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I wwake up and feel Leons strong arms wrapped around me. I lean over and loom at the time. Crap!! 7:37am. Leons plane leaves soon. I grab his shoulder and shake it until he wakes from his deep slumber. " VIOLETTA what are you doing?"he asks in his beautiful morning voice. " Leon we have to get up and get ready or your gonna miss our plane!". I need to control my emotions. I cant let him see I am sad. Or it will make him saying goodbye even harder. Hang in there Violetta.
**********TIME SKIP****************
we arrive at the airport and I pay the taxi driver. Saluting him as he drives off. I see Violetta standing at the curb."This is where it starts and ends" she says sadly. " What do you mean" I say looking at her shaking hands. " I mean its the start of your career but is the end of us seeing each other" " Violetta I dont understand" she buffs, shaking her head " Leon I wont see you for 6 months, this could break us, I dont want it too but it might" I realise what she means. What if this is the last of us? I grab her " that is not gonna happen" I say pulling her into the airport. I just got my tickets. They took my luggage. I am now waiting at my gate. Ready for this adventure to start. But I also dont want it to stop. I see Violetta pacing back and forwards, back and forwards. 3 step backs. 3 steps forward. She is cracking, even I can see it. I walk over to her. Wrap my arms around her waist and whisper into her ear " stop stressing, just relax. I know how you feel". She turn looking at me flicking her eyes to my lips. O ce again I feel an amazing feeling inside, knowing this cant be the end.Maxi and the gang arrive will all there girlfriends waiting for the moment if truth. It just came. "Flight 272 is now boarding" I plane, unenthusiastic voice speaks through all the speakers. I see Violetta tear up.  No. No. No. I cant go. I feel Pablo hand on my back. "We have to go". I run towards Violetta savouring one last kiss, one last hug, one last touch. We are both crying. This is but the goodbye I wanted. But I somehow knew it would end like this. I look around. Everyone is crying having to leave what they love behind... I separate from her warm embrace. Look into her eyes and whisper " goodbye, I love to you" I grab my bag and head towards the flight attendants. They take my passport. Do what they need to do and hand it back. Dont look back. Dint look back. I force myself. I turn around and see her beautiful face, looking back at me(A/N get it there song they sang on ep80)
Hi guys hope you enjoy the chapter. Sorry it is shorter than usual. Any tips let me know😊😊😊😊😊😊
Love from Jaimey

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