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As I walk in i am shocked. I did not expect to see her like this. "What are you doing" I ask. " Oh just hanging around" she replies grinning. " Violetta you should probably go home your father will be waiting for you" " no he wont he and Angie have gone away for the week and ulga and Romallo are away so its just supposed to be and luck I but I am sure she wont miss me" she says happily. I cant help but feel happy knowing she is here with me. " Oh ok then, just belt me get changed I will be right back" I say while grabbing clothes and walking out " ok but don't be too long" she replies.

After a few minutes he walks back into his room. I see him standing there with sweat pants and a singlet on. God he looks cute. I am craving for his touch. He moves and sits on the bed right next to me only a centimetres. " So" he says " are you tired do you want to go to bed". " Yeah I say I just need one more thing" i say whilst grinning " what's that?" " This" i say reaching forward and kissing his lips, his soft irresistible lips. Damn they taste so good. I just want more and more of him but I know I cant. I just want this to last forever. He is the one and will always be the one. " Violetta" he pulls apart from me and looks into my eyes " I love you, you know that right" " and I love you too". " Good" he says while grinning. He opened up the blankets and crawled underneath them. There he was lying down smiling " are you going to join me or sit there all night" he says chuckling. I crawl over next to him and lie down next to him. " Violetta, is it ok if I take my shirt off i don't usually sleep with it on" he inquires " sure i don't really mind in actual fact i would prefer it" i say laughing. He sits up and pulls off his shirt revealing his abs, oh his beautiful abs. He threes the shirt into the corner somewhere and lies back down. I place my head on his chest as a pillow. He kisses my head with his beautiful lips. " Goodnight" i say "night"...

I wake up with Violetta's head on my chest. I brush the hair out of her face and place it behind her ears. I kiss her forehead and I see her eyes flicker open. Whoops I think it wasn't my intention to wake her. " Good morning my love" i say " mm mm mm what time is it"she responds sleepily " gee its nice to know you love me too, but it is 10 am" i reply smiling. " Well then i love you sorry for displeasing you i hope you except my apology kind sir" she says in a funny tone we both giggle. " Well are you hungry?" " Yes very" " i shall make you breakfast, what would you like?" "Hmm bacon and eggs" " ok then" I get out of bed and leave the room. I enter the kitchen and grab out everything needed for breakfast. After a couple minutes I hear violetta coming down the stairs a few seconds later I feel her warm hands wrap around my waist. " Whatcha doing?" she asks in a funny tone " making the love of my life breakfast" " what are you doing huh?" I ask in the same tone as her " this is what I am doing" she leans over and kisses me so passionately and licks my lips asking for entrance and I give it to her. It began to become a small make out session and I smelt something burning and I realised it was the breakfast. I pulled away quickly and turned off the heat it was black. Breakfast was ruined. "So did you want to go out for brekkie instead" "sure"she said "just let me get ready" " ok I will pick you up in an hour" I respond " ok see you then".....

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