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Its been a week since I said goodbye. Its been really hard trying to talk to him though since I started recording an album. My manager is so bossy. I am kinda sick of her. I am really missing him.its hard. I try to Skype him everyday, but most the time he doesn't answer. I am missing him. His warmth. His smell. His embrace. His everything. Luckily I have a surprise.
"VIOLETTA" I hear my manager scream. "Coming" I yell back. I walk to the recording studio. "Tou have a photo shoot this afternoon and I dont want you to be late" she says staring at her phone. " But I cant this afternoon is the only time Leon said I can Skype him today and I haven't spoken to him in days" I complain. " I dont care be there". I literally have no idea what I am supposed to do I really miss him.... But I have to do this photoshoot.
--------------Later that afternoon--------
Its 2:30 I am supposed to call Leon. But I decided I have to go. I will try to call him later I hope he answers...
It snow 5:30 that was the most boring tubing I have ever done. I open my laptop and try to call Leon... He doesn't answer I try again and again. He finally answers the 12th time
Leon: hi
Vilu: hey
Leon: why didn't you call ages ago. I cant talk to you for long my show starts in 5minutes
Vilu: i am sooty ok i had to do a photoshoot
Leon: great so now your work is way too important then talking to your boyfriend that hasn't seen you for weeks. Nice to know you care.
Vilu: dont blame this all on me i have tried to call you everyday but you are th one who isn't answering and did you forget you were the one that decided to go. That wasn't my decision. It was all yours.
He was speechless. I cant believe he would accuse me of such things. We haven't seen eachother for weeks and already the distance is breaking us. How are we go I g to survive another year of this...
Hi guys I know I haven't updated for a really long time but I haven't felt love writing. I dont know whether I should continue or not. Let me know what you think. Sorry for not updating sooner. I love you all💜💜💜💜

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