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when I get home I open the door too see no one is there i mean I know dad and Angie are gone but even Olga and Romallo are gone. I both ink to myself HM mm ludmi is probably with fede. I walk upstairs to my bedroom and see a note on the bed I pick it up and if says hi my darling Romallo and I have gone away while your mother and father are away. Also ludmila is stay ing with her father in Africa and wont be back fede has gone with her. There are meals in the fridge have a great week alone
~love Olga
Uhhhhhhh home alone. Any way bit decide to have a shower and get dressed. Do my make-up and hair

I am on my phone when I hear the doorbell ring

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I am on my phone when I hear the doorbell ring. I grab my stuff and head downstairs. I open the door and see my smoking hot boyfriend standing there." wow you look amazing" he says smiling " thank you as do you" i reply " shall we" he asks holding out his arm "we shall" i respond while linking our arms

we arrive at the restaurant. it is amazing it is massive and there are so many people i dont even know if they will have a spare table for us. we walk over to the front desk thingy and ask for a table for two luckily there was one. the waiter shows us to our table. Leon pulls out my chair as i sit down and pushes it in, what a gentleman. we are handed our drink menus. " what are you going to have" he asks " i think i shall be having a vanilla latte and you kind sir what shall you be having" i say in a posh accent. he returns it and says " my lady i think i shall be having a cappuccino" we both giggle. we both lean in as the waiter clears hid throat asking what we will be having. we both order our beverages as posh people would call it. " so would you like to finish where we left off?" he asks " of course" we both lean in and kiss each other passionately, i want more and want to kiss forever but i remember we in public so i pull away. i reach out for his hand and hold it. " that was amazing" he says grinning " i know". " but i just ant more" he says with a cheeky grin on his face he cups my face with his hands and my lips smash against his... then the waiter comes and interrupts us AGAIN he places our drinks and breakfast menus in the table whilst Leon and i lean into the back of our chairs laughing. the waiter walks away with a disgusted look on his face, what an idiot its like he's never seen people kiss before. we order.

-----------------------------------------------TIME SKIP------------------------------------------------------------we had an amazing time together it was magical you know one of those moments you can never forget and that is when you know your relationship will last forever.. we are walking back to my house. when we get there i open the door and let us both in. it seems strange to hear it silent like this. we both head to my room. " so what do you want to do?" i ask " well i was thinking we could watch a movie" he says " sure, you can choose the movie as long as it is not a stupid action movie" i say he just laughs. " what" ," just you" "OK, well if i am that funny you might just have to leave then" i say cheekily " now why would i wanna do that" he says while lifting me up bridal style. " Leon , Leon put me down!!!!" i reply laughing in a half serious tone " OK " he then throws me on the couch, i scream.he leans over me and looks deeply into my eyes. after a few moments we both stand up. i head to the kitchen and make the popcorn while he goes into the draw and picks a movie. i grab a blanket and lay it on the couch. i grab the popcorn and sit on the couch. Leon puts the DVD into the player we both lay down and wait for it start. i snuggle my head into his chest. i realize i didn't close the blinds get up, " what are you doing?" he asks raising his eyebrow. " closing the blinds, i am going for a more romantic setting" i say in a strange voice, he just laughs. i lay back down the movie starts and i wonder what movie he picked. it starts. OMG I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW HE PICKED DIVERGENT !!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME!!!!!!! i turn/roll over to face him and kiss him at first he was like wait why are you kissing me then he was like this is fine im cool with this, well that is what it felt like when we were kissing anyway, i pull away and just smile. i turn and face the screen. omg its my favorite part when the hot guy a.k.a Tobias Eaton takes off his shirt to show tris his hot body. i have had a mega crush on this guy since i was younger but now i have my boyfriend and i am happy for it. " i know what you are thinking" Leon says, " what is that" i ask " you are thinking why do i need this guy when i have this hot boyfriend" i turn over so i am sitting on top of him, one leg each side of his body. i lean down " yeah something like that" i smile. i lean down and fill the gap between us creating a make out session. putting all my love into each kiss. i pull away and place my head in the crook of his neck. " i love you" i say placing small kisses on his neck. " violetta i love you even more what we have here is special and can never break, just like i promised you back in Seville i will love you forevermore, and i will keep this promise for the rest of my life. i didn't know what to say Leon has made speechless once again. so i just place my head on his chest and say " you are mine and i am yours". i can stay like this forever, here in the arms of my one and only true love....


~ hi guys i hope you like this chapter. sorry it took so long i have so many assignments to do right now! by the way if you haven't seen divergent you should totally watch it it s my favorite movie its amazing!!!!!!! BTW It has a really hot guy in it i didn't just make that up ;-)

>love from jaimey

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