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As soon as we finish singing he stops me walking and turns to look into my eyes.i stare into leons beautiful hazel eyes. I realize how close we are only centimeters apart.i can smell his scent, his sweet muscular scent. and i know i could nit trade this moment for anything in the world he leans and so do i. when we pull apart we realize we see my father and Angie who i should get used to calling mum." violetta" Angie says "i see you are having a great time" "yes i am" reply grinning. Leon shakes my fathers hand whilst i hug him and mum, it still feels so different to say. " i hope you are treating my daughter right" says my father, pointing directly at Leon." of course i am,sir". he was so cute when he was flustered." well violetta let me walk you home, i am sure you have have spent enough time with Leon lately" says my dad.he will always be the same i think to myself." now,now German, i am sure violetta will come home later today in time for dinner,right" "right" i respond. i was nervous waiting for dad to answer" alright, alright ok" "yes ,yes YES thanks dad i was hoping you would say yes after all Leon and i have a party to plan for" i say laughing as we walk away. "violetta you told me nothing about a party, VIOLETTA COME BACK HERE VIOLETTA" he was yelling as i was walking away with Leon." calm down German you need to stress less" i hear Angie saying. i turn around to see dads reaction but all i see is them kissing happily, it makes me feel happy that after all the pain dad has gone through he hasfinally found the one, like me.....

 i turn around to see dads reaction but all i see is them kissing happily, it makes me feel happy that after all the pain dad has gone through he hasfinally found the one, like me

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"so" Leon said as we were walking to his house." yes" i say raising my eyebrow." i was thinking that you could help me plan for the party tonight, since i haven't exactly asked you yet" he says cutely, "of course, i would love too","great"." so i was thinking we should have a theme, like romance" i say." what do you mean" he asks curiously, " well i was thinking if we all dressed our nicest we could have rose petals and roses and hearts, it would be so cute and lovely and everyone would be dancing with there true love and.." " stop he says cutting me off you are going way to girly for me, i was just thinking a normal party with normal decorations and normal clothes" "sorry i was i dont know i got lost in what i was saying, anyways sounds like i good idea" i say " your serious" he asks "of course it is your party after all, why are you so shocked" " i am just used to always having to argue with you to get what i want" he says " well you are looking at a new violetta, besides you dont have to argue for this. i stand on my tiptoes and start to make out with him, i could tell he was shocked at first and wasn't expecting me to kiss but i could also tell he was enjoying it. we pull apart, "that was amazing" he says " i know".We continue to all to his house and we finally get there to notice Andre standing outside the door asking " what took you guys so long". well we got a bit distracted" Leon says looking at me i return the small gesture. " oh i see i interrupted our moment anyway i will be leaving now, off to find kiara the love of my life (a.k.a. the girl Andre was with at the wedding BTW i just made up her name if you have a better one let me know in the comments)" what were here for Andre in the first place" i ask him. " i just came to ask when the party was" "tomorrow night" Leon and i reply at the same time"ok thanks, see you two love birds tomorrow night then" he says while walking away"

"well that was weird " i say," Andre is always like that, i am his best friend remember", "yes i remember you are also the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for" i say. " you are too cute" he says, hugging me. TIME SKIP we ended up planning everything for the party and made sure it was ready for tomorrow night. we decided to bake a chocolate cake for tomorrow. i was reading the recipe while Leon was grabbing the ingredient and all the utensils. we were making the batter when i heard Leon say something that i couldn't hear, so i turned off the beater. he came out of the living room and was hiding something behind his back. " what are you hiding?" i ask, " em nothing" he says not convincing. " close your eyes",he tells me "ok" i do what he asks. i feel him touch my hair and realize he put something in my freaking hair!!!!! did he really just stoop that low? i ask myself. " what did you just do" i say opening my eyes. he is grinning i place my hand on my hair to feel what it is. IT WAS ANOTHER CAKE BATTER BUT IT WAS VANILLA!!!" oh you just started a war" i say. i grab the spoon and fill it with batter and chuck it at him ' did you just, did you just that" he says angrily he grabs more batter throwing at me. it become a full out cake batter war. it was hilarious. when we run out of batter we both realize how much of a mess we just made, looking at the floor it looks like an uncooked marble cake with chocolate and vanilla cake batter EVERYWHERE and all over ourselves. " sorry" i say, " what for?" "for destroying your house" " but did you have fun" " yes " i admit " well it was all worth it then" he says puling me into a hug but it soon turns to a kiss.....

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