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we are interrupted when I hear my phone ringing. I move and violetta sits up. The movie finished hours ago but we just sat there kissing and hugging. Even though we did nothing I had a great time. I look at the screen and its Andre. What does he want now!!!! I pick up the phone. " Andre what so you want?" " Leon you have yi come to Art Rebel right now!" " Why?" " I don't know Pablo called me and told you he has news and he told me to call you and so now I am calling you and telling you" " right I will be there in 20 minutes" I say and hang up. "What was that all about?" Vilu asks " it was Andre Pablo has news I have to go to Art rebel" " oh ok then" she says sadly " what's wrong my love?" I ask " nothing" I give her a tell me the true look. She says " I don't know I feel like the band always seems to interrupts us" I don't know what to say. Do I defend the band? Do I comfort her? I am speechless. " Anyway lets just go they are waiting for you". We both stand up and head for the door. I open it for her. We are walking to Art rebel and we haven't spoken since we left the house. Just walking next to each other a massive gap between us. I am not used to this gap it is uncomfortable. I try to move closer but she just steps away. "Violetta" I say whilst grabbing her arm. She stops and faces me "what Leon, we had our talk in the house and you obviously didn't care about what I say, can we just keep walking" she says angrily. " Violetta you know that isn't true" I reply " really because I think it is" she continues walking " Violetta please" I yell and she stops dead in her tracks her back facing towards me. I walk up to her I grab her hand and look deeply into her eyes." Violetta I love you and nothing is going to change that everything I say to you is true. I care of your opinions and your thoughts. I am actually hurt by what you said. I made a commitment to the band but I also made a commitment to you which I intend on keeping" I say( A/N I don't know how to describe he said It but very lovingly Like  in Violetta 3). She is looking down as usual and I place my thumb and forefinger under her chin. This is what occurs naturally now. I am once again falling deep into those chocolate brown eyes. I lean forward and kiss her. Like I have never kissed her before, she began to kiss back. She pulls away, grabs my hand and continues walking to Art rebel.

We arrive at art rebel to see the guys and Pablo as well as all the girls sitting around near the main stage. " Hi" everybody says in union and we all laugh. " Hi" violetta and I respond. We both sit near cami and nati. " So do you guys want the good news or the bad news" Pablo asks " good news" we all reply in canon " well, the record label has decided to sign us" he says extremely happily. We all stand up and hug each other " but... The bad news is the are taking us on a tour a  tour for 6 months"......
Hi guys I hope you like the chapter. Sorry its short I promise the next one will be longer. Pls comment and vote
~ love from Leonetta4life (jaimey)

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