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It was morning. I lay there in my bed. Simply staring at the ceiling. I feel so bored. Earlier I decided i will go see Leon today and talk to him about what happened yesterday. I get up and go have a nice relaxing shower. I get out get dressed and do my hair and makeup I am ready to go.

I lock the door and set off walking to Leons house

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I lock the door and set off walking to Leons house.

I am laying in bed on instagram looking at Violetta's latest posts, with me in all of them except one.

Which she posted yesterday around an hour after what Pablo told us

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Which she posted yesterday around an hour after what Pablo told us. This made me feel really guilty. But before I could get any guiltier I heard the doorbell ring. Who could that be at 9:00. "Coming" I yell. I jump out of bed. Quickly putting on sweatpants. I run downstairs, open the door to see the one and only Violetta. We stand there in awkward silence. "What are you doing here?" I ask. I suddenly realise she is looking awkwardly at me. I look down and remember I am not wearing a shirt. " I wanted to come and apologize" she says " I.. I" she sttuttered " I overreacted, I shouldn't have run out like that and then not answering your calls, I am sorry" she says finally looking into my eyes. I dont know what to say."its ok I understand". "I know we can still be together we can savour the last moments we are together. I dont wanna give up on us" she says " and I want the same" I respond smiling " now come here i say and pull her o to a kiss smashing her lips against mine. God It felt like forever since i kissed her how am i going deal with this when i leave, i dont know but i dont wanna thibk about that right now. We both pull away. I pull inside by her hand and shut the door. I walk and sit on the couch, she does the same. " Are you hungry" I ask " yeah I am actually" she responds " ok well I'll go get some breakfast for us" "uh uh uh, no you dont" says i am  very confused she pulls me arm making me fall onto the couch. " i am hungry for this" she says kissing me passionately. It. Was. Amazing. The best kiss so far. I mean woo that.. That was something else. She gets up and Sachs " ill be right back" whilst running up the stairs. Well that came out of nowhere. Not saying its a bad thing. I go to the kitchen and make toast for myself and a coffee. I hear her run back down the stairs. Suddenly i feel her hugging me from behind. " Where did you go?" I ask raising my eyebrows " to the bathroom, why did you miss me?" She responds laughing. I turn and face her " of course i did" I say whilst winking. I see she is leaning in for a kiss and i quickly shove a piece of toast in my mouth. She realises this. " Leon" she says. She playfully hits my stomach. I groan " what i am hungry" i say. " Of course you are" she pokes her tongue at me. I would return then i thought of something better. I grab her AMD pocket her up bridal style and run through the house and chuck her onto the couch while she is screaming. I jump and land on top of her. She screams again. I am laying in front of her looking deeply into her eyes. All of a sudden I hear my phone ringing. I hop up and go check who is calling. Its The band,maybe Vilu is right it always does seem to interrupt us. I answer and hear Maxi yelling " HI LEON YOU HAVE YO GET TO THE MALL THERE IS A SWARM OF TEENAGERS ATTACKING US ALL. THEY WANT AUTOGRAPHS I DONT THINK I CAN HANDLE THIS. PLEASE COME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE" I try to answer him. But he hands up. I dont know what to do, my friends need help bit I am with Vilu I decide she can come with me. I grab a shirt and throw if on and shoes. " Where are you going?" She inquires " where are we going you mean, we are going to the mall" I respond " "why are we going shopping she asks happily. Its funny how as soon as you mention the mall girls faces light up because they think they are going shopping " no we have to help maxi, but we can go shopping after" I say. " Ok im coming" she says jumping off the couch. What I did fail to mention was we are helping maxi quite a band problem. I dont think she is gonna like this.

Leon shuts the door and we head off to the mall with a fast pace. Man maxi must really need saving. Having a car would be pretty handy right now. I mean I have my P's thanks to Angie because wouldn't let me drive, but I dont have a car. Like what a rip of you get your license but then you cant drive because you doubt have a car. How stupid. Anyway we are almost there and I reach out and grab leons hand. He looks down at our laced hands and smiles. But he looks really nervous ans I dont know why. We get to the mall and the are millions of cars parked like everywhere. We run inside to see a swarm if thousands of kids all surrounding maxi, Broduey and Andre asking for autographs. To say I was angry was an understatement. He lied to me. Leon lied to me. He told me we were here to help maxi like with clothes or something not because they were being sea embed by teenagers! I love helping the band but seriously. I look over to Leon and he isn't even there. He is making his way through the crowd trying to save them. He just left me standing there. What the hell is wrong with him is he trying to make me angrier. I storm off. I dont even know where I am going. Just trying to get as far away from him as possible. I just fixed things and he goes and does this. He would have known I would have resented this. I cant believe him...

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