The Second Wedding

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This is it my big day. The day Leon and I become one. I am so excited.
As I stand in my dress with my hair. Done beautifully.

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Tears well in my eyes as I reminisce, thinking about all the good and bad times Leon and I have gone through

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Tears well in my eyes as I reminisce, thinking about all the good and bad times Leon and I have gone through. And we finally ended up here, together. After everything. Like Alex said our souls are linked together and they will never break apart not now not ever.
I can't believe this is happening. Today I will become a husband. After everything Violetta and I have been through we will be together forever.
I hear  Ludmila(my made of honour)  call my name as she walks in with the  bridesmaids: Cami, Francesca, Nati, Jerry and Angie. They all look so beautiful in their aqua dresses

 They all look so beautiful in their aqua dresses

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and their hair done perfectly

 I wipe the tears out of my eyes, trying not to smudge my makeup

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. I wipe the tears out of my eyes, trying not to smudge my makeup. "What's wrong Vilu?" Came asks whilst walking to my side. "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how far we've all come, I'm so happy for all of us! We started as teens learning music, now we are adults with careers we have our whole lives ahead of us. I am just so glad I met all of you!" I smile at all of the beautiful faces looking up at me. "We feel the exact same way" Francesca says ruining towards me. "Group hug!" Nati squeals. Suddenly I am squashed by all my friends and family. "Girls, girls, girls we are going to wreck our hair!" Ludmila screams. Then everyone slowly backs away just in time, as my dad walks through the door. "You ready" he asks, holding out his arm. "As ready as I'll ever be!" I reply grabbing his arm.

I walk slowly with ludmila holding up my dress behind me. I see my amazing friends standing beside the altar. I look to my sides and see all my family and friends beside me. Then I look forward to see the love of my life says if with his hands by his side, grinning. My dad kisses me on the cheek and sits down in the front row. Leon grabs my hands as the ceremony begins. I feel as though the butterflies are going to burst out of my stomach.

This is it. "Do you Leon Vargas take Violetta Castillo to be your lawfully wedded wife?"... " I do" "And do you Violetta Castillo take Leon Vargas to be your lawfully wedded husband?" ... "I do". "You may now kiss the bride". Leon reaches over and cautiously lifts the veil of my face. We both lean towards each other. And place our lips on each other's. I hear the guests scream. This may be the happiest moment of my life.
Our friends come towards us as sing our final song.
I hear emotion in my voice
I know where that's coming from
It's like a light that leads me on
Like it's been there all along
I know that  this is where it starts
I've waited here for the part
Where we could turn the power on
And sing this with you

We lit the fire in the dark
Follows us wherever we go
I hear them all singing along and just go crazy

This is the place that I can fly
It puts a spark in my eye I see the stars and the light and just go crazy

Before we finish the song I hear Leon whisper in my ear "I love you". " I love you too". I reply. This is the way my life is supposed to end.

This is the last chapter I will be uploading to this story unless you want an extra but let me know. Thank you all so much for reading I really appreciate it. I love you all xoxo

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