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Violetta's family come back today. I wont see her until tonight we are all going to have dinner so I thought I should let her have a day with her family. I miss her though. Just  knowing tomorrow is our last day hurts. I wont survive. I dont k now how I am go to do this
Everyone will be home soon. I am really excited to see them. I hear the door creak open and see my dad walking through the doorway. I run and hug him " dad!! I am so happy to see you guys" "we all missed you Vilu". As everybody got home they all rested and unpacked. They were all really tired and stranglers so was I.
--------------------TIME SKIP-------------
I am getting ready for dinner. Putting on my makeup. It took me forever to find what to wear i finally decided on this hairstyle

 It took me forever to find what to wear i finally decided on this hairstyle

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And this dress

I hope Leon thinks I look cute

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I hope Leon thinks I look cute. I hear the doorbell ring. I run downstairs yelling " I'll get it!" I open the door to see my beautiful boyfriend there standing with a bunch of flowers

 I run downstairs yelling " I'll get it!"  I open the door to see my beautiful boyfriend there standing with a bunch of flowers

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He is such a gentleman. " Hi, you look beautiful" he says grinning. " Thank you dont I always?" I giggle. " Of course you do but you are especially beautiful, if I had of known how amazing you look i would of tried a bit harder" " oh please you are always handsome, how stupid can you get" " gee thanks so much for the compliments" he says smiling " I love the way you think" I say looking down. " Thanks you should tell me that more often, now isn't there something that I should get?" He inquires. I know what he wants but It would fun to play dumb. " I have no idea what you are talking about" he raises and eyebrow " oh really" he responds " really", he leans closer " i was thinking of something like this". Our lips softly touch, i shiver runs down my spine. This is a new feeling and dont know what it is supposed to mean. I hear dad clearing his throat, i instantly pull away and smile. " Leon come  inside we are almost ready" he says. Phew I am just glad he didn't yell at me. Leon hands me the flowers and I run upstairs. I dont give them to ulga. She will put them in a vast and place them in the living room for everyone to see. But these flowers are mine and only for me. One of the last things Leon will give me so I put them in a glass next to my bed. So when I wake up I will see them everyday. " VIOLETTA" Angie yells. I run downstairs and see everyone  is ready.
Hi guys next chapter is there last day together. Please keep reading. I know this chapter is really bad. And I am really sorry I am really destroying this book. 😭

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