Our Big Break???

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I notice as Leon is singing he is staring at me, I stare back into his gorgeous hazel eyes. All of a sudden the song is over. Everybody rewards them with a round of applause. I walk over to him and plant a kiss on his lips. I felt like that was my destiny right then and there that Leon was my fate. " What was that for, not saying I didn't enjoy it" he says " because you are an amazing man and will always be mine.... I love you" " me too". I turn around to see maxi and not at I having a make out session. It makes me laugh. Get a room we all yell!!!! grinning. I feel this magical bond between all of us could never break...

Pablo tells us we can have a break but to be back in 2 hours. " What do you want to do?"Vilu asks " well I have something in mind" I reply. She looks at me raising am eyebrow. I pick her up bridal style and carry her outside while yelling goodbye to everyone else. She giggles.
I carry her all the way to my house which is luckily only a few blocks away. After a block or two she asks" are you going to put me down yet??" " Never I reply" we both giggle. I open the door and I am glad I moved into my own house/apartment as there were no distractions. I carry her to my room and drop her on my bed. Vilu laughs. I lean over her. " So this is what you had in mind?"she asks slyly "but of course" I lean down and start to kiss her.She moves her hands from her sides and places them around my neck. i then place my hands around her waist. she breaks the kiss moving to sit up and lean against the bed head i follow her. we both sit. she then moves and wraps her legs around my waist. " i cant bear a moment without you" she says very lovingly. again are faces are just centimeters apart. she leans closer  so do i we fill the gap. i feel the taste of her lips lingering on mine...

 i feel the taste of her lips lingering on mine

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i hear my phone buzzing as we break the kiss. it was maxi" where are you its been 2 hours we are waiting for you", "Crap i am so sorry i got distracted and forget to check the time", i see violetta pick up her phone and check the time she gives and alarmed face. " get here as soon as you can " says maxi" though  wasn't paying attention as i was to busy staring violetta, i hang up. " i am so sorry, i didn't realize the time you are so late" she replies" "its not your fault ' i reply " are you coming with me?" "yes". we both l.eve and walk quickly to art rebel. i see the producer and start to get nervous. we end up singing  do you think of me

So you got me going down
Yeah you got me freaking out
Everything you do is so
It makes me crazy

Yeah you had me back at hello
Don't tell me that
You couldn't really tell though
Yeah this feeling is amazing
You make me want to freak want to scream

Now I know you shouldn't talk to strangers
But your just my kind of danger
I guess love is going to get us
So I've to know what do you think of me

Do you think of me
Do you think of me
So won't you tell me what do you think of me
So won't you tell
Do you think of me
Do you think of me

Your delicious because is it must be love
Your making me feel
Just one look and I see
Your a miracle from up above

Yeah you had me back at hello
Don't tell me that
You couldn't really tell though
Yeah this feeling is amazing
You made me want to freak want to scream

Now I know you shouldn't talk to strangers
But your just my kind of danger
I guess love is going to get us
So I've got to know what do you think of me

Do you think of me
Do you think of me
So I got to know what do you think of me
Do you, do you
So I got to know what do you think of me
Do you think of me

Now I know you shouldn't talk to strangers
But your just my kind of danger
I guess love is going to get us
So I've got to know what do you think of me

Do you think you
Do you think you
So I've got to know what do you think of me

when we are finished we are rewarded with a round of applause. i look over at the producer to see him smiling. Maybe this will be our big break??

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