Phone call

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I wake up to hear my phone ringing. I see leons smug facw on the screen. I haven't spoken to him for a week actually. This is the first time he has tried to call me. So I decide to answer.
Leon: hi...
Violetta: well... What did you call me for?
Leon: I wanted to apologise. I am really sorry ok. I was being really stupid and I dont want this relationship to break. I love you Violetta:... And you didn't think to apologise earlier or were you to busy to call. Had other things to do.
Leon: ok I should have called earlier but thought I could live without you but the true this i cant
Violetta: oh... So you thought that could have been the end of "this" but then you realised you needed me. Gee you really know how to make a girl feel special dont you?
I suddenly hear a knock at the door. Who could it be? No one comes this early and I didn't order room service. Who could it be? "Be there on a minute" I yell. I get put of bed and quickly get dressed out of my pyjamas. 
I try to look the little hole but someone's Hand is covering it. I open the door and suddenly feel someone's lips crushed against mine. I pull away and look up. Someone I never expected looking back at me.

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