The Party Continues...

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(Btw the photo in the media has nothing to do with the story but I thought it was just an amazingly cute photo I had to share😊)

As soon as violetta left i hear Andre on the microphone yelling lets play truth or dare. " YESSSS" everybody screams. i open the door still in shock of hat just happened and head downstairs to see everyone sitting in a circle and a bottle in the middle. Andre goes to start spinning the bottle " wait" i yell everybody looks at me and i go sit down next to Violetta. " i see you wanted to play" she says and reaches for my hand. i smile at her.Andre spins the bottle and it lands on Fran. " truth or dare" ,"truth" "OK have you ever loved someone like you love Diego?" "no" she says and she and Diego is. Fran spins it and it lands on Fede "truth or dare" "dare" he replies with a grin on his face. " i dare you to do the ice bucket challenge" she says laughing. " OK " he replies nervously. i go into the kitchen and grab a bucket and fill it with ice cold water. ' are you ready?" i ask fede. " yes" and i pour the massive bucket of water all over him. " ahhhhhhh" he screams " is so cold" we all laugh uncontrollably while fede runs inside and grabs a towel. we all walk back inside and form a circle. the bottle spins and lands on me " truth or dare" asks fede. i look around nervously not knowing what to answer with. " truth" i blurt out. 'hmm let me think" fede says tapping his fingers on his chin." i got one he says " what do you like most about Violetta" he asks me and i give him a did you seriously just ask me that in front of my girlfriend face. he raises hi eyebrows and i say " that's easy of course her beauty and amazing personality" she gives me a look and i hope that was the right answer because i really don't want to get slapped tonight. ' awwwwwwww" says ludmila you are so cute together. then violetta and i kiss. well i obviously said the right thing phew. " well" i say and spin the bottle it lands on maxi. "truth or dare" "dare" "OK i dare you to do 5 bottle flips in a row as well as 5 back flips" " OK challenge accepted" he says as we all laugh.he goes to the kitchen and grabs a bottle and does 5 perfect flips now for the back flips. i stand there watching and counting. 1..2..3..4..5. he lands up right and walks over to nati saying" i think i deserve this" he spins his cap backwards( BTW HE IS NOW WEARING A HAT) and he then smashes his lips against and as i could easily tell they were both enjoying it." alright" violetta yells " group dare. i dare us all to sing this is the way" she says laughing. she runs u the stairs and seconds later she brings down a pile of hats ready for us to do the choreography. i grab my guitar and we all stand in our alignment and start to sing

shalalala ye he ye he ohh whoa

shalalala ye he ye he ohh whoa

can you see the light?

that's shining for the dreamers.

its gonna be the guide to save us.

Don't be afraid know that you are strong

leaving the problems behind us

This is the way

Come with me its a wonderful day, and these dreams can lead the way. oh girl, oh boy

dancing through every second we're gonna sing a song

This is the way

i wanna be beside you, i will stay there

Now show me where your heart is , wherever you hide its there

we can never lose, with you here in my life

so we're leaving yesterday

this is the way

Come with me its a wonderful day, and these dreams can lead the way. oh girl, oh boy

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