Last day

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dinner late night went really well. Except when dad decided to mention Leon leaving which made everything really awkward. Right now i am just lying in bed. I hear my phone go off
Its a message from Leon
Leon:hi be ready in an hour😘
Me: ok but where are we going?
Leon: its a surprise
Me: ok see you soon
End of messages--------------------------
I jumped out of bed to get ready for my last day with Leon. It took me half and hour to decide what to wear but i finally decided on this:

 It took me half and hour to decide what to wear but i finally decided on this:

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Its one of my favourites.
Leon is at the door and I am really nervous, scared, sad and..and well lets just say I am a mix of emotions. I open the door that was separating us. I look into his beautiful... No gorgeous hazel eyes. "Hi" I say nervously. We go through our routine of greeting each other saying goodbye to my father. We have been walking forever and my feet are killing me, these heels, man they are deathly. Leon sees the pain in my face and picks me up. I expect to be to be laying infant of him "bridal style" but I am lying across his shoulder with my head right next to his chest." Leon" I scream banging my hands against his chest " put me down" "what about no". Well if he won't put me down I might just have to distract him. I lean closer to his neck and start placing small soft kisses against his neck. Putting more and more love into each one. He giggles looking at me " you know you have to start what you finish" he says. He pulls me off his shoulder to in front of him. I wrap my legs around his waist. I kiss him. On and on and on well lets just say we were standing there for a while. We continued walking. He covered NY eyes with his hand." A surprise again, I mean this is getting a little old" I grin. He just laughs " well if you dont want this surprise then you can just go home and I wont see you for a while" he says the last bit pouting." Dont worry, I am sure I will enjoy it" I day kissing his cheek. I am really nervous Leon has be own walking a really long time and I cant see a thing. 5 minutes later I feel hid hands leave my eyes to reveal the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. We are on the beach there are beautiful lanterns and roses. A cute picnic p rug I laid down bear the sand. There is his guitar and so much food! " Leon this is amazing" I squeal "how did you do this?!" " Secret boyfriend power" he says, laughing." OMG to u are the best ever"I say looking deep into his eyes "you only figured this out now?". He grabs my hand leading me to the picnic rug, where we sit down. " I love you" he says " I love you too" I lean my head on his chest after he reaches for his guitar. We sing a few songs. It was one of the most romantic days i have ever had. I was so full from eating. I think I am going to burst. " Do you want to go swimming" I ask " I dont have any togs " " what do you need togs for? We have clothes for a reason". I day grabbing his hand, luring him into the water. I see Leon quickly pull of his shirt. I run towards the water and jump in, he does the same. We are both in deep. But since i am a midget i am hanging onto Leon because i cant touch the bottom. We stay there, my head on his chest every noun and again slowly kissing near his neck. Finally Leon says " do you get out and dry off?" " I'll be there an a minute" I respond while he swims back to shore while I just float in the calm water. Unexpectedly I feel a rush of water devour me. The wave pushing me further and further under. I feel the burn of saltwater in my lungs. I am trying to swim up bit there is no hope the swell is too strong. I give in letting the salty water burn through my lungs. Then everything goes black...
I swim out and dry off. I sit down. I smile seeing Violetta floating in her back. Suddenly a massive wave swallows her."Violetta" I scream. Hoping she will pop up and everything will be ok. But it doesn't happen. I run towards the water. I feel the shock as I enter the cold water. I search. Looking for her. I cant see her anywhere. I swim further into the deep abyss. Searching everywhere. Hoping to see her. Finally I catch a glimpse of her hair. God her beautiful hair. Swim to her wrapping my hands around her. Carrying Vilu to shore. She is going to be alright. I assure myself. I lay her pale body softly on the sand. She is so weak, it scares me. I bend down and start CPR to hopefully bring her back to life. H
My arms are killing me. I dont know if this is working. " Come on Violetta wake up. Suddenly she coughs up water. I sit her up helping her cough up more and more. Until she finally looms into my eyes and says " thank you". " VIOLETTAS we need to go and get you checked out, are you in any pain?" I say panicked, standing up. " Leon I am fine, and no I am both hurt can you just calm down it is no big deal" she says desperately. " Vilu, frowning is a big deal, you could of died. Do you know how much I would miss you, I would have no one" I say looking for an answer in her eyes. " Well I am just lucky, I have you" she says. Smashing her lips once again on mine. If this doesn't shut me up I dont k now what would.
-------------TIME SKIP--------------------
Our last day was magical. I has great time. It couldn't get any better. Lets just say... I gave myself away. He was my first and I am glad he was. I love him so much unit was finally time. I dont how I am going to deal with him away. But I shouldn't think about that. That's for tomorrow. Lets just think about now.
Hi guys,
I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry about not updating for a while.
From jaimey 💜💜💜💜

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