The party

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I pull away and look into his amazing eyes. i can see he wants more, so i lean in and give him more. i can fell his hands on my waist and soon lacing together around my back. removed my hands from his cheeks and placed them around his neck. he pulled away, i looked down and started to blush, i felt this thumb and forefinger on my chin lifting it up to stare into his hazel eyes. " i love you" he says," i love you too" i say.


it was the night of the party. Ludmila was home and we were getting ready for it in the bathroom applying make up and helping each other with our outfits. you know all the girly stuff. for me we finally decided on this for me

 for me we finally decided on this for me

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and this for ludmila

We finally got dressed and finished our make up and were ready to go when we heard the doorbell ring

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We finally got dressed and finished our make up and were ready to go when we heard the doorbell ring. i thought it might have been Federico coming to pick u ludmila. but it was actually Fran,nati and cami. they looked amazing. cami was wearing an amazing dress

dot get me started about Fran she looked absolutely beautiful if i do say so myself as i did pick the dress!

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dot get me started about Fran she looked absolutely beautiful if i do say so myself as i did pick the dress!

dot get me started about Fran she looked absolutely beautiful if i do say so myself as i did pick the dress!

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