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my ankle is a bit better but I still cant walk on it, sadly. Tomorrow dad will everyone will be returning Dad, Angie,Ludmila, Olga and Romallo. It will be good to have everybody home again but that also means in 2 days it will be one of my last days with Leon for a long time. After all its not like I can visit him all the time now I have got this record deal. It's gonna be really hard with him gone. Anyway lets think of the present. Leon has been an amazing carer these past days. Right now we are sitting on my bed watching Neftlix this show called Full house its a really old show but its hilarious. My head is lying on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat and feel his lungs breathing in and out a cycle that will last forever in my eyes. I move my head and look into his eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes I have to soak this in now before its too late. I lean in close to his lips his eyes avert to my lips leaning in I feel his lips close to mine I can see he wants this. But I am not gonna give it to him. My lips brush softly against his. He moves his lips trying to touch mine. I move my lips to his ear and say "if you want it come get it". I pull away he has a very confused look on his face. I find my way to the door open it and run down the stairs. I hear nothing for a while. I walk to the kitchen to get a drink. What is he doing up there? Suddenly I hear the door creak and thumps on the stairs. I run around look up the stairs nothing there. WHAT? all of sudden their are warm hands wrapped around my waist  and I scream. He laughs. How could he scare me like that. I am jolted to face him. He smashes his lips against mine. He starts to kiss me rudely very rudely, pushing me against the wall. Moving his lips to my neck kissing all the way th my ear. He pushes me harder against the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist whilst my arms are around his neck. Suddenly i hear him whisper " i want you". He pulls away, pecks my checks and opens the door " see you tomorrow" he yells, closing the door. I am left once again shocked by his actions
Hi guys sorry about the short chapter. I thought I would give to u a short Leonetta moment before the next chapter. And if you are enjoying the story please let me know. If you aren't can you please give me some pointers I would really appreciate it. Please tell others about my book.
Love you all thank you so much for reading
~ Jaimey

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