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We arrive at the mall. I run into the crowd to save the guys I am making g my way through when I look back and see Violetta has disappeared. I hope she isn't to angry. ONE HOUR LATER everyone has finally left as well as the guys but i have to find Violetta  i have no i dear where she is... Or where to start looking. I try all the shops on level 1 she wasn't in any of them. I do the same for levels 2,3&4 but she was not there either. I have one level left. I go into a shop card Boitique Chic. I mean it looks like Violetta would shop here...
It has been an hour and a half and i still haven't seen Leon. I decided to go shopping, maybe it will calm me down. I am just wandering when i find a shop called Boutique Chic. I enter i am looking at some really nice dresses.
I see a girl with hair like Violetta in the corner of my eye. I run over and grab her arm, she turns around and finally i found her after what felt like eternity.

She looks directly into my eyes and i look into hers i can see the rage in them

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She looks directly into my eyes and i look into hers i can see the rage in them. Her body stiffens. She puts sown the dress and walks outside, of course I follow her. " What do you want" she says furiously " listen I.." I was about to say but she cuts me off with " Leon i doubt want to hear your apology.or your voice i am furious at what you did. I mean how could you. Dont follow me" she says walking away. So I am left there standing in the middle of the mall by myself speechless after what she said to me. I knew this would hurt but I didn't know it would hurt this much"...
For some reason i feel better after practically yelling at Leon letting all my rage out. I knew i was a bit cruel bit i think he deserves it. I was walking home quickly lost in my thoughts and ran into someone. I looked up and it happen s to be the one person i really dont want to see right now. I mean how was he even in front of me then i realise he must of gone the back way. I look into his dreamy hazel eyes. Then I snap out of it and realise I am still angry at him. I dont know whether I should walk away or stay so I decided I would keep walking. So I do and get about 5 metres away and something in my heart says listen to what he has to say. So I turn around and shot his name "Leon" he stops and turns around I jog towards him but suddenly I step onto a rock and a lip whilst rolling my ankle. I prepare myself for a jolt of pain as I hit the ground instead I feel soft hands behind my back. I open my eyes, look up and there he is. He saved me like he always does.
I hear violetta call my name. I turn around and see her running towards me. Then she trips i run as fast as i can and save her just in time. Like when the harness broke on our tour in Barcelona. I see her open her eyes and look directly into mine. I some know what she's thinking but i know what i am thinkinge an that is she is so beautiful. And i deserve for her to be angry i just want to apologise, if she lets me. She tries to stand up but falls. She screams in pain. She must have sprained her ankle. " Can you stand up?" "Yeah" she responds trying to stand up but falls again
I try to stand up but feel a jab of pain. I must have sprained it "can you stand up?" Leon asks " yeah" I respond knowing that I was lying there was no way I could walk up but I dont want him to feel sorry for me I want to do this myself. I can do this. I try to stand up but I fall again luckily Leon was there to catch me AGAIN. Leon picks me up bridal style and I go with it knowing he is just trying to help. I lean my head against his toned chest. I feel his lips kiss my head. He walks me to a doctor. And soon enough I find out a lightly sprained my ankle and will be able to walk in a few days but have to rest. Lucky the doctor said my ankle should be fine before my dad gets home and before Leon goes and before I record my album. We leave and Leon carries me all the way home. When we get there I unlock the door and Leon carries me upstairs and places me on my bed this whole time there has been an awkward silence that needs to be broken. " Thank you" i say " your welcome" he responds he runs downstairs ans i can hear him heating up one of those meals ulga left. Seconds later he brings me spaghetti. And I turn on Netflix and start watching a horror movie and no I didn't choose that so I could cuddle up to him.(sarcasm) My plan didn't work its the end of the movie and we are a metre apart on each side of the bed. He gets up to leave
"Leon" " yeah" " can you stay with me" he takes a while to respond "sure" i pull up the covers and lay underneath them, do does he. I can hear he is about to fall asleep " Leon, I'm sorry i shouldn't have talked to you like that" "you have no need to apologise, it was my fault i deserved it" he says " i forgive you" i say and roll over to hug him of course i had to forgive him after all he is my saviour...

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