Chapter 4 Scarlet

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The present

"I swear, Jason. When you told me you were going to start living, I never thought you'd be this reckless!" Tom screamed through the speaker of my phone. I was getting pissed and I was already drunk. I didn't need him to be nagging me. He's not my wife. huh. wife. Laura.

I shook my head and tried to get some form of grip on sobriety. " Can you just come and pick me up Tom? Please?" I begged.

"Dammit Jason. I'm your agent. Not your babysitter." He hissed.

"I thought you were my friend first?" I was losing it.


" If you treated me as your friend, then you'd actually listen to me." I can hear the bitterness in his voice as I gripped my phone harder.

"I'm sorry, man." I mumbled.

I heard him take a deep breath. "Fine. Tell me where you are."

"Uh..I'm at the emergency room of St. Vincent's"

"WHAT!!!!!???!!?!?!" Tom bellowed. "What the fuck have you gotten into now!? Shit. Nevermind. I'm on my way. Tell me when I get there."

I closed my phone and laid back down on the bed. I stared down at my right leg which was encased in a blue cast and the couple of scrapes and bruise all over my body. I shrugged. I was no stranger to emergency room visits and injuries. Ever since I decided to "live" my life again 2 years ago, I've thrown caution into the wind and just went for it. Today's injury was however, entirely due to my drunken stupidity. I was so drunk off my ass, I apparently missed a step or two and ended up on the pavement outside of the bar. God I felt stupid. I laid back and decided to rest before Tom comes and rips me a new one.


I bolted awake at the sound of the curtains opening and Tom's face floated into view. He was followed by a woman in a white blazer. Probably the doctor, I figured.

"Jason. Glad to see you're still in one piece" Tom huffed while he surveyed me from head to toe.

"Still alive. Unfortunately." I answered wyrly. Shit my mouth was drier than the desert.

The woman cleared her throat and stepped closer to me. "So, Mr. Beckett.."

"You can call me Jason, honey." I drawled in my sexiest beer laden voice I can muster.

Tom just shook his head in disbelief.

"As I was saying, Mr. Beckett, I'm Doctor Aria. " She threw me a withering look "You suffered a hairline fracture along your tibia but we have already set it. Unfortunately, you have to stay off the injured leg. So no more drunken trips or the likes for atleast 3 weeks."

"3 weeks?!" I cried out. 3 weeks of sitting down on my butt is going to make me go crazy.

"At least. We'll re-asses after that time."

"Oh, babe, if you wanna see me, you just have to say so." I winked and flashed her a smile.

She just rolled her eyes at me and stared pointedly at Tom. " At this point, I'm not entirely ruling out a concussion." she grated.

Tom laughed. "Oh, believe me doctor, I think this has already been a 2 year concussion." he said out loud for my benefit. I watched him lean closer to the good doctor, " He wasn't always such an asshole." he stage whispered.

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