Chapter 11: Tawny

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Prism Joy

I trudged into my one bedroom apartment and headed straight to my room. I was feeling a bit tired because of my early morning start, and I was so ready to just curl up in my bed and sleep. Instead, I rummaged for a bag big enough to stuff some clothes in to bring with me for my 'incarceration'. I flung open my closet and started grabbing random bottoms and tops. The good thing with my fashion choices is that everything will eventually go together.

I was in the middle of stuffing my things in the duffel bag, when I heard the distinct ring of a phone. "Shit, that's the work phone!" I chastised myself as I scanned the room for my bag. It was then I remembered I left my bag on the living room couch.

I ran to my living room and pounced over my tawny handbag and rooted around for the screaming phone. I just knew it was his highness with another demanding request. I was having such a hard time looking for it in my blackhole of a bag, that I just decided to up end the entire thing, shuffling over the scattered contents, I finally found the damn phone.

I was breathing hard from the running and panic but I quickly answered the phone.

He actually called to thank me and apologize. I was really beginning to rethink the head trauma angle. But, I thought of what Tom said and decided to give the guy the benefit of a doubt. He did after all sound sincere in his apology.

We continued to talk on the phone while I finished packing. Poor guy was bored out of his mind he even resorted to trying to flirt with me. I shut that down quickly.

I was surprised when he abruptly ended the call when I heard someone enter his room. I stared at it for a while and chucked it over my handbag.


I lugged my bags out of the front door and said goodbye to my apartment. I still can't believe I had to go and live with the guy, but atleast we came to a truce. No killing. as much as possible. Let's see how long this lasts. I smirked to myself.

I had just turned on the ignition when my phone rung. After a frantic search in my bag, I found it and stared at the screen. It was my mom.

"Hi mom!" I smiled.

"Hi my darling Prism Joy, how are you?" Her sing-song voice reverberated through my ear. Her tone gave me the vibe that she knew some secret I was not privy to.

"I'm fine mom. All good."

"Hmmmm... you know, I was working on my garden this morning, when I got this weird vibe and thought about're stressing about something."

I snorted.

"Are you a jedi now mom? you felt a disturbance in the force?" I giggled.

"no, I call it motherly instincts." she answered wryly.

"Oh." I laughed.

"Well, tell me what's wrong." she interrupted my laughing.

I bit my lip and recounted my predicament.

"You know, it does my heart good knowing that you're being a very good friend to Marjoram, but I sometimes wonder if she's not taking advantage of you." my mother finally said.

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