Chapter 12: Jam

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What do you mean what sponge bath?!

It was easily one of the most embarrassing things of my life. Getting scrubbed down by big burly men and I couldn't do a thing about it.

"Weren't you the one who coordinated my sponge bath?" I grumbled at her.

"Yeah. So? what's the problem?" she still sounded lost.

"Well, the problem isn't the bath...but more of who gave me the bath." I growled at her.

she suddenly laughed a high pitched, very forced laugh. " Oh, honey, hold that thought, I'm just going to see Bambi out."

I was about to shout but I clamped my mouth shut.

I only heard rustling, I presumed she held the phone against her to shut me out.

"Okay, remind me to change your security code. I am definitely NOT feeling safe in your  place right now." she complained. "Do you just give out your security code to random people?!"

I stared at the phone. Did she just change the topic?!

"Uh, Joy, have you forgotten about what you've just done?!" I retorted.

"What?" she answered absentmindedly.

"You went and did goo-goo eyes at this Kevin guy and told him to give me a sponge bath!" I shouted at her. I just wasn't sure if I was more pissed because she made goo-goo eyes at Kevin or that Kevin gave me a bath.


"Are you seriously not hearing yourself right now?" she finally answered, equally screaming at me. "First of all, I did NOT make goo-goo eyes at anybody. Second, I just told him that you wanted a sponge bath. Third of all, you are in a hospital, not some seedy porn film! Not all sponge baths are given by sexy nurses, you damn sexist pig!" She was hollering at the top of her lungs I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Well---hello?" I heard the distinct sound of silence.

Of course she hung up on me. Fuck.

I quickly called her back.

Of course she didn't answer me.

So for the second time that day. I felt like a total and utter douche. Again.

I sighed and decided to text her instead.

I'm sorry, please talk to me. I'd really rather apologize face to face, but it seems that it's an impossibility right now, can I atleast say it to you? please?

I stared at my phone, willing for her to text me back. I have never wanted a female to text me back so bad before.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the message tone beeped.


I swallowed and tried to gather myself. I needed to keep myself in check and just apologize.

I'm not a religious guy, but she had me calling for God for help.

I said a quick 'help me, God' and I dialed her number.

she answered with a quiet hello. I could quickly tell she just cried and was trying her best to not let me know.

Now I felt really bad.

" I'm really sorry. I was out of line, you didn't deserve that, especially after all that you have done for me today." I apologized.

She was not answering but I could hear the sound of banging cabinets.

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