Chapter 28: Wine

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I sat at the back of the town car that Joy has graciously got me. I groaned as I was again reminded how of selfless she was and how much of a douchebag I am. I tried calling her to apologize, but her phone was busy. It remained busy for the next 10 calls I attempted. I sent her a message instead and wished myself luck.

As we cruised along the darkened road towards the gallery where the party was to be held, my mind kept going back to that almost kiss I had with Joy. I can still remember her lips as it slowly parted as her eyes shut close. God I wished I just went for it and kissed her. Instead, I'm sitting here, feeling like the world's most idiotic male specimen. I wondered where Joy was, what was she wearing, and most importantly if she will even be talking to me.

We slowly cruised to a stop in front of a large building, and a valet opened my door. Drew, my chauffer for the night, was quickly at my side, hand ready to assist me. I nodded graciously at him and pulled myself out of the car.

I made my way inside, greeting guests and well-wishers, but all the while my eyes wandered across the room, searching for my golden eyed muse.

Where is she? What if she decides NOT to come?

"Jason! What in the world have you been up to?!"

I turned around to respond to the owner of the voice. "Hey Samuel, I've been up to no good. as usual." I laughed and motioned to my leg.

"Another sporting accident, Jason?" he looked at me quizzically.

"Uhm..yeah." If you count slipping down stone steps while drunk off your ass a sport.

"Tsk, tsk." Samuel shook his head, " I wish I had your courage and adventurous spirit."

Samuel Evers was an art connoisseur, he owned several galleries and had several successful shows, including mine. He was thin as a reed and had a perpetually pursed face, as if he smelled something bad. I was afraid he'd break if he even tried to run.

"Tom has told me you've been very busy the past few months?"

I looked around, "He has, has he? Well, yes, you can say that I guess."

"Well, I'm glad to see you out and I'm so excited for your next show." he raised a glass of champagne at me before he was swept away by some other guest.

As if on cue, I was looking back at the entrance when Joy slowly walked in. She took my breath away and my heart skipped a beat. She was dressed in a dark blue dress that showed off her creamy white shoulders and hugged the rest of her body before brushing off her knees. Her raven hair was curled and swept to the side. Her only accessory was a large white flower, tucked against her hair. She was a vision of grace and beauty and I was in complete and utter awe.

Gathering my thoughts, I limped towards her, trying to catch her attention. I watched her stretching her neck out looking over the crowd. I could already see some of the male guests checking her out. I quickened my pace.

I hope she's looking for me.

Finally, her golden eyes swept towards me. I smiled at her but she stared blankly back at me. She stood her ground and held on to her clutch.

I'm still screwed. I groaned.

I approached her slowly. "You're here." I exhaled breathlessly, relieved that she did decide to come.

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