Chapter 6 : Blush

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Another sharp pain shot across my leg as I texted my address to my PA's phone. I gritted my teeth until the pain subsided. I woke up at 6 am in complete pain and when I tried to reach over my nightstand, the bottle was just out of reach of my fingertips. I tried to move over to reach it but every movement was halted by the pain. I tried tipping it with my phone but just successfully swatted it off the nightstand and it rolled away under my bed. Jesus 'effin Christ.

I closed my eyes to try to get some rest. I was relieved to know that someone was finally coming over. Someone who actually had the balls to sass and threaten me. It did surprise me that she was willing to help a complete stranger out. I know I could have called Tom, but my damn pride was bigger that my pain. I'm not a very smart man, seeing as that I'm willing to trust a complete stranger than swallow my pride to call my friend. I shook my head and laughed at my own epic stupidity.

A few minutes later, I received another call from her. She was finally here. I spewed out my security code, not really caring if she was eventually going to steal from me. I was just happy that I'll be able to drink my pain medications any minute now.

I could hear rapid footfalls nearing my bedroom. I sighed in anticipation of finally getting help.

My head snapped up in surprise as a small girl burst through my door. She took one look at me and started screaming. She quickly turned around and covered her face with her hands.

"Oh God, Why are you naked?!" She finally said when she stopped screaming.

Oh that.

I've always slept naked.

I looked over to where she was standing, with her back to me, dark hair tied in a loose bun and her arms waving around asking me to cover up. She was a small little thing.

I would have laughed if movement didn't cause me pain. "I'm sorry, I forgot." I called out and tried to grab a pillow to cover myself up. I couldn't believe that this little woman was the same one who gave me shit on the phone this morning.

"Are you decent now?" She asked, both of her hands still shielding her eyes. She was definitely blushing.

"Yes." I painfully chuckled at how embarrassed she was when I was the one who was completely naked.

She slowly turned around and threw me a cautionary glance. I looked her over and took in what she was wearing. a shirt and capri combination that didn't stray far from each other in the spectrum of browns. "Are you going on a safari?" I couldn't hold myself back.

She looked at me confusion written all over her face, until she saw me eyeing her outfit.

She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms in front of her. " Well, those are quite some  words coming from a man, naked, in pain and totally helpless." She raised an eyebrow at me. "I could just totally leave if my outfit offends your sensibilities, your highness." She said haughtily.

I chuckled. I like her. fiesty.

Another sharp pain shot through my leg and I grimaced. "Fuck." I growled out.

I watched her face melt into concern. "Oh, where are your meds? Don't you think maybe we should get you to the hospital instead?" She had rushed over to me and was bending down, assessing me for signs of injury. Her hands hovering over me, afraid to touch me, in case she hurts me.

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