Chapter 35: Brown

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Prism Joy

I stared at the box of books in front of me that needed to be sorted. I sighed deeply. It has been over a week since Jason and I parted ways. I thought I would eventually forget him, but it seems I keep on thinking about him even more. I miss his teasing ways, his boyish grin that makes my insides melt. I just miss him. So much it was crazy.

"You really got to tell me who has gotten you in such a state."

I looked up from my position on the stockroom floor, surrounded by books and brown boxes, and saw Lillian, the head librarian smiling down at me. Lillian epitomized the sexy librarian look without looking trashy.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled and started removing the books from the box.

Lillian walked towards me, her heels making clicking sounds on the floor. "What's his name?" She asked, peering over her glasses.

"Huh?" I looked up at her.

"You must really be in love with him. It's written all over your face and on the depth of that sigh." She smiled at me.


"Oh, I'm not. It really is nothing." I smiled weakly at her and continued to read the titles of the books in front of me. Hoping to hide the blush that I can feel creeping up my cheeks.

She chuckled.

"It's alright. I get it. I do hope things work out for you and him." She said and gave me a quick wink before she turned and walked away.

I listened as the sound of her heels faded away.

There was nothing to work out. Jason and I never even happened.

I retied my bun, in an attempt to clear my mind off Jason. Then, picking up a stack of books, I walked over to the trolly and placed them there. Working in the library was a lot more peaceful than working with Jason. No half naked ladies lurking around for starters. I did find the silence comforting at times. Unfortunately, the quiet also makes my mind wonder about Jason.

I've called Tom once to tell him about the change in personnel and asked after Jason. Tom did call me back to ask how I was and simply told me that Jason was coping and getting some work done. I was glad that atleast he is able to put out work. I assumed that his new PA was satisfactory, as I haven't heard anything from Marj either.

Speaking of Marj, she did come back after 5 days, looking tanned and fresh. Unfortunately we haven't had the chance to really talk yet because as soon as she stepped off the plane, her work caught up with her and swallowed her alive. We are however, supposed to meet up for dinner tonight. Hopefully she doesn't cancel on me. Again.

I decided to call her, just to confirm.

I made my way to the corner of the backroom and whipped up my phone and dialled her number.

"Hi, Pri." It was Paolo.

"Is she busy?

"Yeah, sorry, in a meeting." He apologized, "But I can slip in a message if it's important. Is it about Jason?" Paolo's voice whispered conspirationally.

I rolled my eyes. "Paolo you are so nosy!" I laughed. "And no, it's not about Jason. Why would you even think that?"

"Well, I never got the deets on what happened on the night we cinderella-d you!"

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