Chapter 13: Walnut

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Prism Joy

I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. I was so delighted when I found out that the room I choose had an ensuite bathroom, I actually squealed and did a happy dance. Until Jason told me, all the 4 bedrooms in his house had ensuite's. I grumbled about him being a spoilsport and tossed the phone on the bed, telling him to stay there while I got ready for bed. He grew quiet and I know he was itching to throw a sexist remark. I told him to watch TV instead.

I could hear him, shouting how boring the shows were and that there was nothing to watch. I ignored him. I couldn't believe how long this single day was. The amount of crap I went through for Marj just shot off the roof. She so owes me her life at this point.

I stared at my red rimmed eyes and tear streaked face. Still unbelieving that Jason got me so mad that I actually cried in frustration. I really felt bad about how he accused me of engineering his whole sponge bath scenario but I had to stifle a laugh at the thought of him being uncomfortable having men give him a bath. It serves him right anyway. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I padded back into the bedroom and I could hear Jason singing along to a TV ad.

"I think we should add singing to your list of talents." I called out to him.

"Hey! took you long enough." he complained.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the walnut dresser where I dumped my stuff.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I had a time limit." I answered dryly.

"God, I can't wait to get out of this place and this damn leg cast!" he exclaimed.

"Me too." I answered wryly.

I threw on my usual sleepwear of old shirt and shorts and walked to the bed. I grabbed the phone and placed it on the nightstand and crawled under the covers. I had to suppress a groan as I felt how soft and comfortable the whole bed was.

"This bed and linens are really nice Jason." I snuggled in further into the bed.

" What I would give to be there right now." he sighed.

My head shot up and stared at the phone. Thankful that he was not seeing how red my face is right now.

"I meant, to be home. In my own bed of course." he quickly clarified.

I plopped back down on the bed, relieved.

"I know..I want to be in my own place...but with this bed." I laughed.

"You can have it if you want." He said it like it was nothing at all.

"I was only joking!" I screamed, horrified at the thought of getting the bed.

"I'm not." he answered nonchalantly.

I'm just stared at the phone in shock.

"Would you mind if we video called? I'd like to actually talk to a face and not a piece of technology. I feel stupid talking out loud here." He sighed.

I eyed the phone warily, unsure if I should. But I did feel bad for the guy. He doesn't like hospitals maybe it brought back memories of his wife or he just doesn't like to be alone in that place. Maybe he finds comfort in having someone else with him in the room.

"Okay." I relented and reached out for the phone.

His face once again filled the screen. He was sitting up in bed. "Hi." he waved.

"Hi." I answered back, suddenly feeling weird. I have never talked to a guy while in bed before. "Why are you sitting up? are you not going to try and sleep yet?" I asked and pulled the covers tightly up to my chin.

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