Chapter 20: Merlot

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I watched her leave from behind my canvas. I had this sudden need to call out to her to come back and just stay, but I shook my head and decided against it. I'd ask her to stay, and then what? Just stare idly about while I paint? I don't think that would be her cup of tea, and I had a feeling she needed her own personal time.

It would be selfish of me to ask her to keep me company when she clearly had other things to do. I fixed my gaze back at my canvas and picked up my brush. Then, nothing. I suddenly felt uninspired. Dropping the brush back on my table, I looked around and sighed. I knew there was no point in forcing myself to continue painting. My disinterest will translate into my work and it would only be a waste.

I wobbled over to the chaise lounge and plopped down, that was when I noticed the sandwiches she left me. Small triangles, crusts cut off, stuffed with what looked like chicken, cheese and leafy veggies. They looked like they were made by a professional, I should know, Laura maybe perfect but she just didn't do well in the kitchen. She tried, but she burned water. I didn't mind. I didn't marry her for her cooking skills or lack thereof. So, we ordered in a lot. I have seen my share of professionally made food.

Well, might as well just eat then. I shrugged as I reached over for a sandwich and took a bite.

Damn, this is easily one of the best chicken sandwiches I have ever tasted.

I inhaled the remaining sandwiches. Joy definitely knows her way around the kitchen. I'm going to miss her cooking when she starts her real job.

Maybe I should really offer her a job, here with me, to be my PA for real. I'm pretty sure I can pay her better than her library job. I grinned. Yes, I'll offer her the job when she gets home.

I hopped over to where my crutches leaned against and I wobbled out of my workroom. Now what? I was already bored. I made my way slowly into the den to watch some TV. I plopped into the couch and began channel surfing again. What I would give to be able to go out and do something right now. I would love to be rock climbing right now, or even just paddle boarding. Anything than sitting on my ass all day.

I stared at the screen and suddenly thought of Laura. I tried to picture her emerald green eyes, but somehow I kept seeing glints of gold piercing through me. I pictured her laughing, but it was Joy's laughter that came out of her mouth. I kept on trying to remember Laura's face but it kept fading away. It was as if all the years I have tried to forget her were suddenly catching up with me and I'm not sure I'm ready to completely let go of her just yet.



I heard her faint voice call out to me as I was sitting in the dark,nursing an almost empty bottle of wine. I would have preferred beer, but Joy didn't exactly replenish my stash when she went grocery shopping. Good thing I found a crate of Merlot in one of the damn kitchen cabinets that was left over after some party I had. Beggars can't be choosers and all that jazz, I thought as I un-corked the bottle.

So, was I drunk? I am definitely not drunk.

Isn't that what all drunk people say?

Doesn't matter, I'm pissed at Safari.

I missed her and I hated it. I keep seeing her face and Laura's was fading away. I'm not supposed to feel this way about her.

The moment she stepped out of the house, I felt it. The house became too quiet and worse of all, I suddenly stopped painting.

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