Chapter 21: Coffee

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Prism Joy

I dropped the bottles of wine in the recycling bin and quickly took a deep breath. Jason's words kept echoing in my head. He needed me. Me. What exactly did he mean by that? I knew my skin was burning red from the heat that emanated from them. My heart was beating frantically against my ribcage that it actually hurt. Jason may be drunk, but he sure knows how to make a girl swoon. Nobody has ever said something like that to me and it has definitely got me flustered. It wasn't any consolation that I do believe that drunk people have no filter and will say whatever they want to. But, on the bright side, he might not remember anything that he said and that I can just pretend that nothing happened.

I nodded my head and took another breath. Yes, I'll just pretend he never said what he said. It's all for the better anyway. I turned around and started to make coffee for Jason before I make dinner.

I quietly slipped back in the studio and found Jason sprawled out on the chaise lounge totally knocked out. I slowly raised his leg and placed a pillow under it, then did the same for his head before I covered him with a blanket. He was out cold, just like last night.

I returned to the kitchen and threw the coffee I made down the drain. I planned on making a quick pasta for tonight, but since Jason was down for the count, I made myself a sandwich from the left over chicken from last night. I made more sandwiches, just in case Jason wakes up hungry.

I cleaned up in the kitchen and made my way to the den. Jason obviously stayed there because the sofa was a mess. I shook my head and laughed. He was such a pig and does not pick up after himself. I can only imagine the fights he must have with his wife. She must have been a saint to put up with him. I couldn't even fathom Jason as a loving and devoted husband. After I fixed the mess in the den, I decided to check on Jason before I headed up to my room.

I peeked into the room and I could hear his snores regularly breaking the silence. Well, atleast I know he's still breathing. I walked slowly over to him and watched him sleep. I felt like a total stalker, this wasn't the first time I watched him while he slept. A sleeping Jason was a sight to behold because he wasn't spewing out sexist remarks. A sleeping Jason looked like he could do no harm.

I suddenly felt guilty for leaving him alone the whole day and that I purposefully placed the work phone on silent. Not that I plan on telling him that little bit of information. I only meant to be out for 2 hours but I didn't plan on bumping into Kevin and actually have fun talking to him. I certainly did not notice that I went over my 2 hour mark. My guilt ate at me, I should be taking care of him. That was the job description, right?

I decided to grab the sleeping bag I found in one of the closets in the den and dragged it to the studio. I wasn't comfortable leaving a drunk Jason alone. He might wake up in the middle of the night and forget he's injured and do something and we'll end up in the hospital again. I couldn't have that on my conscience.

An hour later, after I have checked that all the house locks were activated, I slipped into the sleeping bag which I placed near the chaise lounge and was immediately engulfed with Jason's masculine and intoxicating scent. I snuggled deeper and inhaled more of him. God I love how it smelled of him. I felt a small quiver at the bottom of my belly and and I squirmed as my entire body suddenly became warm. I felt my breathing become  deeper and my heart started to beat faster.


I was getting aroused with just his scent!

I stopped myself as I felt a warmth flush my cheeks, I dragged my eyes up to where Jason was lying, thank goodness Jason was asleep or I would never hear the end of it.

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