Chapter 33: Sugar Cookie

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Prism Joy

I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. 4 days. I spent only 4 days with Jason, but it felt like forever. I've been home less than 4 minutes and I already miss Jason. I miss the conversations, our fights and even the smell of paint and turpentine.

I took a deep breath and rolled over to my side, tucking my hands under my cheek. I can still feel his soft, eager lips on mine as I absentmindedly licked mine. How I loved being in his arms as he held me tighter as our kiss deepened. Everything about that kiss felt so magical. From the electricity that ran through my body the moment his lips landed on mine to the intense warmth that flooded my veins as he pulled me closer.

Unfortunately, it seems that it was only magical for me. I felt my heart break a little more as I remember his face full of regret as he ran away from our kiss. He was probably thinking of Laura when he kissed me.

I didn't even let him say what he wanted to explain this morning. I couldn't take it if he tells me that our kiss meant nothing and that it was all a mistake. So I beat him to it. He's not the one with the broken heart, I am.

I stayed up half the night crying and admonishing myself for feeling that way. It was a good thing that Paolo had found a replacement when he did, because I was prepared to soldier on the rest of the day avoiding Jason.

I couldn't forget the blank stare he gave me when I told him I was leaving. It was a knife through my heart. He didn't say a word and just looked at me.

I would have stayed.

If he had asked me to.

Opening my eyes, I sat up and shook my head. There was no use of daydreaming about Jason. It was futile to think that there was something between us. It was only me and my naïveté. I'm not even sure of what exactly it is I'm feeling either.

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. Jason was over. I have a new job to look forward to tomorrow. I needed to focus on that and I knew just how to do it. Grabbing my car keys, I sprinted out of my apartment, into my car and drove off towards the one place I knew that can offer me that.


"My baby is home!!!" bellowed my dad as he opened the door for me.

I quickly dove into his open arms. "Hi dad." I said into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight bear hug. I pressed my cheek against his scratchy tie-dyed shirt.

"Tell me everything, sweetheart." He held me at arms length and stared back at me with the same golden eyes.

I tried to avert my gaze from his scrutinizing one, which I know was futile. My parents always knew when something was up with me. They see it in my aura, they say.

"Come on, mom's in the kitchen. She was expecting you." he held me close as we walked down the purple colored hall towards mom.

"I bet she is expecting me. She always does. " I smiled

"Your mom certainly has something special about her." He winked at me as we stood at the kitchen doorway.

"Ah! finally,there you are my Prism." My mom, dressed in a flowy floral skirt and a striped blouse, was pouring tea into her mix and match china that I remembered she haggled for during one of our antiquing trips.

I walked up to her and she placed the teapot down and gathered me into her arms. "It's Jason, isn't it?" she whispered into my ear. I held on her tighter.

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