Chapter 31: Chocolate

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a/n tamlaura1 this one is for

Prism Joy

I stared into his eyes, unbelieving that he just asked me to buy him a box of condoms! and that he shouted it out loud for people to hear! I suddenly remembered the first day that we met and how the offending box popped out as I tried to get him clothes.

I looked into his eyes that were filled with complete confusion.

Is he seriously not getting the point?! and why the heck is he asking me why he would keep his condoms in the drawer?! This conversation was totally not making any sense.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and the corner of his eyes started to crinkle as he slowly opened his mouth and let out a bellyaching laugh.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Why are you laughing? It's not funny." I fumed.

He kept on laughing and shaking his head.

He looked at me, with tears in his eyes from too much laughter. He was trying to catch his breath but he kept on laughing. He was already attracting weird looks from the other shoppers.

I crossed my arms in front of me. "Stop it Jason. What is so funny? I'm not getting you...your prophylactics." I leaned closer to whisper.

His laughter just grew louder.

"I'm sorry..." he panted in between laughter. "I'm sorry..."

"What?!" I demanded. I didn't get why he was laughing at all, and it was making me really uncomfortable.

Jason finally took a couple of deep breathes and wiped his eyes. "Oh Joy, I was talking about the ice cream...vanilla ice cream, covered in belgian chocolate!" he chuckled and pointed to a poster showing said confection.


Dear Lord. why? why?!

I wanted the floor to open up and just swallow me whole.

of course my mind went straight to condoms! ugh.

"Oh, shit." I covered my face in shame. I wanted to cry and die. right there.

Jason kept chuckling.

I felt my entire face burn up from embarrassment.

"Hey, it's okay.." Jason murmured, his voice soft, as he tried to pry my hand off my face. "Come on. It's okay.."

"No its not. It's embarrassing!" I cried.

I felt Jason move closer and gave me a one armed hug as best as he could, tucking me against his chest, I felt his chin on my head. "It's fine.Nobody cares. See?" He nudged my head with his chin.

I looked up at his smiling eyes and warily shifted my gaze around. He was right, nobody seemed to have noticed as they were busy with their own thing.

I slowly nodded my head and looked back into his eyes that held my gaze. "Okay." I whispered. I became suddenly aware of how close we were right now. His arm across my back, grasped tightly on my shoulder. His scent invading my senses again. I was getting lightheaded.

I quickly took a step back. "Uh, I'll just got get the cheese and ice cream now. Stay here."  I said and ran as quickly as I could toward the chiller.

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