Chapter 9: Cedar

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Prism Joy

I quickly made my way across the hall,waving my phone around, looking for a signal.

"Yes!" I screamed as I saw 2 bars climb up on the screen.

I quickly dialed Paolo.


"You have got to tell me that I don't have to live with this guy!" I screeched into the phone. A nurse who wore scrubs that were too tight over her breasts looked over at me disapprovingly.

I smiled at her apologetically and she just scowled at me before walking off with a sashay of her ass.

Christ. I rolled my eyes.

"What in the ever loving hell do you mean, Pri?"

I gave him a quick rundown of what happened since I said goodbye to him on the phone just hours ago.

"Woah. He told you, you were pretty?" Paolo squealed in delight.

I whipped the phone off from my ear and stared at Paolo's picture icon, as if he was right in front of me, "Are you kidding me right now? That is what you got from my entire rant?" I screamed incredulously.

"Well, yeah baby girl. It's not everyday someone calls you pretty." He crooned.

I rolled my eyes. "He was delirious with fever. I highly doubt that counts."

"Uh-huh." He hummed, knowingly.

"Whatever, just tell me that I don't have to be his 24/7 maid service...please." I groaned and started pulling at my hair.

There was silence of over the phone. "Sorry Pri..."

"Ugh! crap.crap. crap. shit. shit. please tell me you're only kidding? I hate my life. No, I hate Marj." I chanted over the phone to a giggling Paolo.

I heard a male voice clear his throat behind me. I slowly turned around and saw Tom, asshole's friend/manager/person to call in case of emergency. We got into talking a little bit while we waited for sleeping asshole to wake up. He was of course surprised to see me at first, standing at Jason's bedside and quickly asked who I was, which I gladly explained. Leaving out the part where Marj goes MIA and I had to step in, because he might think Marj is an irresponsible boss. I can't have him thinking the worse of Mia and her business.

He was a nice guy from what little conversation we had, he was way nicer than his friend at least. He even laughed when he overheard me tell the doctor, rather embarrassingly, that I thought Jason was starting to get delusional when he called me pretty. Hence my frantic 911 call.

He was smiling with his hands clasped in front of him. "I need to talk to you." he said in hushed tones.

I said a quick goodbye to Paolo, not even waiting for his reply and ended the call.

"I'm really sorry to put you in this position, especially knowing that you're just doing this as a favor to your friend." He started.

I stared at him in disbelief. I was about to explain when he waved his hand. "Jason told me, but it doesn't really matter to me. Don't worry."

I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that I didn't have to handle another shitstorm.

"but, I really do think you guys can work together. You're the first PA of his that I've met who isn't afraid of him or call him out on his bullshit. I think he needs that in his life right now because he can be a bit of a loose cannon at times."

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