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Peridot let out a groan as the alarm, that sang 'DEUSVULTDEUSVULTDEUSVULT!' in an endless loop, and practically punched her phone. She pushed herself out of bed and slipped quietly into her bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror in horror.

She looked dead.

Bags under her eyes gave her an 'Insomniac' and 'Touch me and I'll shank you' vibe, her hair, that defied gravity and probably gave OCD people a heart attack, was messier than usual, and she was really pale. 

That was a given considering her Irish and German blood. 

Sighing, she ran her fingers through her hair, taming it slightly. Once she was satisfied she waltzed out of the bathroom and threw on her black shirt, her hoodie with an alien on the right side, slightly above her breast, some ripped jeans, some converse, and checked for her necklace. Her fingers gripped the only thing that her mother gave her. She traced the cold edges of the yellow diamond plate, she felt the black string and the two peridots that were above on each side so it formed perfect symmetry. She let her hand drop, forcing the tears that welled up in the corner of her eyes away. She wasn't going to cry. She accepted how things were, how things had always been.

She walked out of her room, after grabbing her phone, into the hallway pass an empty guest room and into the living room, that lead to the kitchen. She completely ignored the kitchen, knowing that their wouldn't be anything but junk food, and grabbed her bag, putting the strap so it rested across her body, snatched her keys, and headed out the door. 

Sighing against the cold October air, she subconsciously shrunk further into her hoodie and practically bolted down the stairs. She launched herself into her dodge charger and shoved her keys in the ignition, twisting it so the engine roared to life. Like a lion.

Shaking her head, she pulled out of the driveway of her apartment complex and drove to school.

  Everybody's looking for love. Oh. Oh.
Ain't that the reason you're at this club. Oh. Oh.
You ain't gonna find a dance with him. No. Oh.
Got a better solution for you girl. Oh. Oh.

Chuckling, Peridot began to tap along with the old song that played on the radio, she soon began to find herself singing alone.

Just leave with me now, Say the word and we'll go.
I'll be your teacher. I'll show you the ropes.
You'll see a side of love you've never known.
I can see it going down, going down.  

  In my head, I see you all over me.
In my head, you fulfill my fantasy.
In my head, you'll be screaming more.
In my head, it's going down.
In my head, it's going down.
In my head. Yeah. In my head. Oh yeah.

Peridot stopped at the campus and with the flicked of her wrist killed her engine. 

She stepped out into the crisp air and let out a soft groan, she pushed up her glasses and walked inside of the university. She was instantly greeted by Amethyst, who screamed, "Hey Peridorito!" 

Cringing slightly, Peridot advanced toward the girl and glared at her, "Shut up Ameslut." She snarled lowly, fangs glinting. 

Amethyst let out an obnoxious chortle and smirked, "Alright you fucking vampire."

Self-consciously Peridot pursed her lips, she hated when people pointed out her fangs, she hated them.

"Don't worry, it's hot." Peridot blushed hard at that, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about me like that." She muttered, looking away.

Amethyst rolled her eyes, flicking her lilac dyed hair out of her face, "Come on Peri, your attractive! You gotta stop being so fucking anti-social. Look, I heard of a knew kid, I heard she's hot!" Her friend wiggled her eyebrows suggestively making Peridot groan.

It wasn't that Peridot wanted to hide her sexuality, no, she was quite open about it. She knew that Amethyst's intentions were good but Peridot did not want to be in a relationship. She didn't think she could handle it, no matter what Amethyst thought. 

She shook her head, "Look, Ame. I already told you, after-"

"After her you are a bum who can't commit to shit, yeah yeah yeah." Amethyst let out a huff, crossing her arms. Peridot knew that the subject of Amethyst's ex and her past was a very, very touchy one. 

Sighing, Peridot shoved pass her, "That wasn't what I was going to say and you fucking know it." She growled.

Amethyst tensed up and watched her before she said, "Peridot wait-"

"Fuck you." Was the only response she got before the blonde was gone. 

Peridot let out a sigh and walked into her class only to harshly get throw to the floor, she heard a sickening crack and looked down at her phone, which she had pulled out, and saw the screen was cracked very, very effectively. 

Frustration and anger bubbled inside of her, "Watch it you fucking clod!" She spat, looking up at the girl before her in hatred. She was beautiful, tanned dark, but not to dark, skin, flannel (Flannels make everyone hot) that hugged her nicely, some jeans that also complimented her figure well and some converse. She took a moment to look at her face and hot damn. She had the bluest eyes Peridot had ever seen, her light blue hair complimented her eyes making them pop. Peridot might of found her attractive, had she not of been the cause of her phone cracking. 

"Watch it you clod." She spat, "God damn it, now I have to waste at least ten minutes fixing this god damn thing!" She snatched her phone and got up, glaring at the blue haired chick.

She was staring at Peridot, eyes flicking her up and down, making the blonde cringe. She wasn't even being subtle.

"Hey. Eyes up here buddo!" She seethed, glaring at the girl. That's when her own emerald eyes fixed on ocean blue eyes. 

Slowly the girls mouth twisted into a smile, "Names Lapis, Lapis Lazuli. You're cute. You should text me sometime when you fix you phone." With that she left, a smug smirk on her face.

Peridot watched her go before she let out a slow snarl of frustration.

She was now starting to see the appeal of having a sworn enemy. 

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