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"We need to find her!"

"I know Pearl!"

"You said she was gone!"

"I thought she was!"

"At 11:30 at night?!?!"

"Alright you two." A british accent sliced through the air, making the arguing, and slightly hysteric, couple look up. Garnet was leaning on the wall, her glasses off, staring at the two in disapproval. "Stop fighting, I'm going to tell you now that this is your fault. Amethyst you should of told her that you started dating Pearl and you should of told her she was coming so that she could leave prior." She let out a soft sigh, "It's been one day, she couldn't of gotten far, she didn't take her car." 

Pearl stared at the women before looking down at her latina girlfriend, "I hurt her so badly.." She murmured, holding her head, "God I'm such a failure."

"Shut up, no you're not!" Amethyst snapped, "She's.. she's healing. She loved you." Pearl let out a strangled sound at that, tears rolling down her face.

"Pearl what happened? What did you do to Peridot?" Steven asked, staring at the girl.

"I.." Pearl sighed, "It was such a long time ago."


"Peridot, what did she do to you?" Lapis asked, holding the girl close as they laid in bed.

Peridot looked up at her, "It was such a long time ago."


Peridot walked into the apartment, drunk and reeking of smoke. "Heya babe." She drawled, looking up at Pearl who was pacing.

"Peridot! Where have you been? I was worried sick!" The women cried, turning around to face her, she tensed, "You're drunk. Again?"

"I'm not drunk, tipsy, but not drunk." Peridot sighed and walked over to her, reaching to touch her but she flinched back, staring at her in utter horror.

"What's wrong?" Peridot asked irritably, raising a brow.

"Peridot... those people are bad for you.. look at what they turned you into!" She covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face. "Don't you care about me?"

"Of course I do!" Peridot cried, staring at her, "Babe no.. don't cry.." She held Pearl close, the two fell against the wall, Pearl holding desperately on the shorter girl. "Pearl, I love you.. you know that. I just.. I.."

Pearl shook her head, "You leave for days at a time, half of the time when you come back your drunk and the other half your angry and ignore me.. Peridot.. we've grown apart.. you know that. You're smart enough to know that."

Peridot looked down at her, "Then lets take a trip-"

"We have! You always get drunk and ruin it or you quit on me!" Pearl pulled away, staring at the girl. "Peridot.. we can't do this.. I can't do this anymore."

"Can't do what anymore?" Peridot asked, but even through her hazy mind she knew exactly what the taller girl meant.

Pearl knew she knew because she smiled sadly before pressing a gentle kiss, a goodbye kiss, on her lips and walked out, leaving Peridot alone.

End of Pearls Flashback, Peridots continues 

That night Peridot sobbed and sobbed, crying so hard that she puked everywhere, passed out and woke up with Amethyst screaming over her but she blacked out.

Next she woke up in the hospital, she felt empty and dull. 

Amethyst walked in, "Peri? You okay?"

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