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You need to stop lying to yourself Peridot

Peridot pursed her lip, it was 5:30. 

She glanced at her clock and read it for the hundredth time in a span of a minute. 

Monday, October 24th, 2016, 5:31

She let out shaky sigh. 

You need to stop lying to yourself Peridot

She rolled on her side and forced her eyes close.

You need to stop-

She opened them and sat up, she needed to get fresh air. 

She slid out of her bedroom and slipped on her converse, before slipping downstairs. 

Amethyst was outside, talking to someone on the phone. Recently she had been getting texts and calls allot but Peridot didn't pry; Amethyst's life was her own.

"Yeah, I can't wait till you get here! I've been looking forward to it all week." Amethyst was saying, smiling.

"Sugilites visiting?" Peridot asked, making Amethyst jump and whip around, a panicked look on her face.

"I er- Yeah, Sugis visiting!" She chuckled. Peridot smiled, "Good, I rematch her to Mortal Kombat, I'm going to go.. walk around. Tell her I said hey." With that she walked off, heading towards wherever her feet take her.

Amethyst let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 

"That was close." She muttered, "Yeah, I'll make sure she's gone. Yeah, love you to." With that she hung up and walked inside, feeling very guilty about what was going to happen.

Peridot walked down the street, her wireless headphones blaring whatever songs were on her playlist. 

She saw the Aquamarine and walked up to the doors, it wasn't open but Malachite was there, cleaning the counters. She knocked on the door, making the silver-haired girl look up and rush over, opening it. 

The blonde pushed down her headphones around her neck, looking up at the girl, "Can we talk?" Said girl raised a brow but let her into the establishment. 

That's when Peridot dropped her tale.


"Damn." Malachite muttered when Peridot had finished. The girls moved to the bar where the blonde was drinking some cider. "Damn is right. What do I do?"

"Stop being scared of rejection. I mean, Lapis talks nonstop about you, she flirts and kisses you, and honestly I think your stupid for thinking she wouldn't date you." Malachite pursed her lips, "Listen Peridot, I once was scared of rejection, but Alexandrite helped me through my worst." She tossed a loose smile at the nerd, "Stop thinking so much and go for it. I get it, you're a technician, it's your instinct to take a step back and analyze every tiny detail, but obviously you love her, why fight it?" She stood up, "I gotta lock up, go relax somewhere kid. Sounds like you need it."

Nodding, Peridot slipped outside as Malachite locked the door behind them and began to trudge home when the girls voice stopped her. "Oh and Peridot?"

"Yeah?" She turned slightly, looking at the stripper, who gave her a smile, "Stop lying to yourself." She said simply, before walking off.

Peridot stared after her before sighing shakily and made her trip back home.

It was about a 10 minute walk but Peridot slipped inside undetected because Amethyst was to busy watching Steven play a game, Garnet was out, and Yami had left early to meet up with her girlfriend in Empire City.

She slipped into her room and closed the door quietly, glancing at the time she saw it was 7:42 and decided to take a small nap.

You need to stop lying to yourself Peridot

Oh and Peridot?


Stop lying to yourself.

Peridot shot awake, it was 11:25 at night and she couldn't stop thinking. Growling, she tried to will herself asleep.

You need to stop-

"Yeah, I need to fucking stop." Peridot muttered darkly, sitting up.

She heard the door downstairs open and shrugged it off, thinking it was Amethyst coming home from a night out.

You need to-

Sighing, she looked at her phone before snatching it, slipping the device in her jean pocket, and slipped her converse on. 

She walked out of her room and went downstairs. 

"Amethyst, I'm-" 

Her eyes widened, as did Amethysts and.. hers.

She stared at the tall figure in front of her, trying to figure out why she was here.

Why was Pearl here?

She gazed down, seeing there hands interlocked and everything clicked.

The dodgy attitude, the texts, the calls. Everything. 

Amethyst was dating Pearl.

Peridots ex.

She gazed at the two in ominous silence before her shocked expression turned into that of betrayal and anger. She whipped around and shot back upstairs as the two exchanged glances. 

"Peridot!" Pearl shouted.

No. Don't say my name like that.

She slammed her door shut, locking it before grabbing her backpack and shoving her laptop, laptop charger, phone charger, and some extra clothes into it, ignoring the desperate calls of her name and knocking on her door; and slipped out the window, thankful that it slid shut. Because of her volunteering at the local theater she was more of a climber than she cared to admit and easily scaled the wall of the wooden house. She landed on the soft grass and ran off, tears pouring down her face. 

She collapsed onto the ground in front of the Big Doughnut and sobbed, covering her mouth with her hand. She took a moment to just cry before she took her phone out, almost dropping it, and called the only person she knew wouldn't tell where she would be.

"Peridot? What the hell? It's 11 at night- are you crying? What happened?" Lapis's voice came through the speakers, sounding irritated at first then worried.

"Pick me up. I'm in front of the Big Doughnut. Please.. pick me up." She whimpered. 

"I'll be there in 3 minutes." 

She hung up and waited. She looked up at the car that pulled up and opened the door and slipped into the vehicle. Lapis drove off quickly, glancing at the girl in silence before they pulled into the driveway of her house. Peridot got out silently and followed the girl inside before she stopped. 

"She was there. Pearl was there."

"Whose- Oh. Oh god Peridot.." She stared at her crush in shock before pulling her close, hugging the crying girl tightly. Peridot accepted the comfort and then weakly pulled away, "Can I.."

"Yeah. Yeah of course, but can't the cops track you?"

"They won't call the cops, besides, if they do, I can just hide and you can say that I stopped here slept, then disappeared in the morning." Peridot shrugged and walked into Lapis's room.

She dropped the bag gently and slipped into her bed. 

Lapis followed suit and slowly the two fell asleep.

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