Day one

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Peridot looked up, emerald eyes meeting ocean blue ones. "No."

"Steven is excited to see you! It's been a long time."

It was now almost Christmas and Lapis's birthday, it was the 23rd and Lapis had just told the little blonde that she wanted to spend the holiday with Steven. Peridot is protesting... for obvious reasons.

"He can see me when he comes over." Peridot growled unsympathetically, turning to go back to playing Portals but was stopped. "Peridot come on, you don't even have to talk to Pearl."

She had a point.

Peridot glowered at the game screen before shutting the console off, turning to fix Lapis with a glare, "I hate when you're right." She stood up and slipped on some shoes, "Come on."

Lapis threw her a shit-eating grin before she led the blonde away, slipping into her car and drove the two to the Temple.

As soon as they got there, Steven ran out and tackled Peridot. "PERIDOT!" He cried, smiling. Peridot stumbled a bit before she caught herself, "Fuck Steven! Don't do that!" She seemed annoyed but love glowed in her eyes. Lapis pouted playfully, "Aw.. I guess I should go then." She pretended to move to turn when she, too, was tackled. "LAPIS!" the boy cried, laughing.

They say laughter is contagious and this was no exception because soon, the three were a giggling mess.

"I see you two are having fun." Peridot looked up, seeing Jasper, holding hands with a person that looked startling like ruby.

"Err...?" Peridot looked pointedly at the brown haired girl, raising a brow. Jasper seemed confused before realization smacked her in the face. "Oh! This is my girlfriend, her names.. Rubi with an 'i', she's Ruby's cousin!"

"Since when did you get a girlfriend?" Peridot asked, crossing her arms, "And why wasn't I the first one to know."

"I told you, you were just to busy having a wet daydream about Lapis to listen." Jasper shrugged, making Peridot blush hard, "That wasn't what was going on."

Steven chuckled, "Rubi's really nice! She's blind in one eye. So we call her Eyeball!"

Peridot glanced up and studied the girl, she was allot shorter than 6 foot Jasper. She was taller than 5'2 Peridot, possibly 5'6 or 5'7. She was tanned, just like Ruby, with hazel brown eyes, the shade of chestnuts. She was wearing a simple shirt, that was obviously Jaspers, and some gray sweatpants. She had brown hair, that was previously mentioned, and, in one of her eyes, her left, there was an awful scar. She was wearing an eye-patch that was shaped like a ruby gem, over it.

"What happened?" Lapis asked, grabbing some already wrapped presents and dropped them in Jasper's hand. Peridot nudged her hard, glaring at her, "You can't just ask that! That's like.. that's like you asking about my leg, or lack there of!" she dropped a couple of boxes in Stevens arms, watching the boy go before moving to grab some more.

Lapis glanced down, eyeing the metal leg that was surrounded in realistic looking rubber that was Peridots skin tone. "Sorry about her." She heard Peridot say.

Rubi giggled, "No, no, it's fine. I worked in a zoo for awhile, some douche thought it would be funny to scare a lion and it lashed out at me."

Lapis stared at her, "You survived a lion attack." She said incredulously. Rubi smiled, "I'm tougher than I look." She giggled again before disappearing in the house, calling, "Coming!"

Peridot suddenly nudged her again, "Hey, clod, come on. It's fucking cold." The girl snuggled close to the swimmer, the latter moved her arm around the nerd instinctively and the two moved inside, a blast of warm air spiked in pumpkin spice making them both sigh.

Peridot and Lapis shed their jackets before they moved into the living room, a highly decorated Christmas tree in the corner, about a yard away from the TV. Pearl was sitting on the couch, cuddling with Amethyst, smoking a cigarette. "So, what-" The girl was saying, "-Zelda is obviously the better character."

"No way, I could beat you with Kirby!" Amethyst cried, looking at the girl.

Peridot, an nerd and knowing exactly what they were talking about, rushed forward, "I could beat you with Link." She declared, making the girls look up.

Amethyst suddenly looked nervous, her eyes shifted from Pearl, to Lapis, to Peridot. Soon the blonde caught on and gave her a reassuring nod, "So," She said casually, "are we going to have a Smash.Bros showdown?" She glanced around.

Jasper and Eyeball were nodding, "Sounds fun."

Garnet nodded as well, walking over to Amethyst and Pearl. Amethyst scrambled a bit, pulling Pearl closer as Garnet moved and wrapped an arm around the girl. "Feeling possessive?" Garnet raised a brow at Amethyst, who blushed slightly and released her hold on Pearl, "No."

Pearl, who was completely red, looked between the two before she pulled them both close and leaned against Amethyst. "Stop it, you two."

Peridot blinked, "Is there something I missed?" Garnet glanced up, "Me and Ame are sharing Pearl."

"In other words.." Amethyst offered, seeing Peridots confused expression, "We're a three-way couple."

Blinking, Peridot looked over at Lapis, who only shrugged. Peridot glanced back at the three girls before smiling. "Well, that's cool I guess. So let's fucking play!"

"Boom bitch!" Peridot laughed evilly as she won the match. "Nyeheheheheh! Take that you CLODS!" The girl threw the controller down, laughing. Ruby rolled her eyes and stood up, heading towards the stairs where Sapphire had disappeared to earlier. Eyeball chuckled, as did many others, and cuddled close to Jasper. The latter rolled her eyes, "Calm down Peri."

Amethyst smirked slightly before she stood up, "I'm crashing with G." She muttered, heading upstairs. Lapis look at Peridot before she stood up, "I'm going out to smoke." she announced before making her way outside. 

The cold air slapped her in the face and made her shrink slightly into her sweater before she caught sight of Pearl, leaning against the side of the house, a full bud in her mouth.

Lapis awkwardly leaned against the house and lit her own cigarette before she looked up. 

Due to the New Moon, the stars now were very visible. Against the purplish-bluish-black background of the night sky they glowed white. 

"Beautiful night eh?" Pearls voice took Lapis by surprise. She glanced over at the pale girl before nodding, "Yeah, I guess." She replied stiffly, shoving her hands in her pockets. Pearl eyed her cautiously, "Still mad at me?"

"You broke her heart."

A tense air laid thick around the two girls as they eyed each other silently, ocean blue eyes met baby blue. "I didn't want to." Pearl murmured, eyes shining with honesty, "I didn't want to hurt her as bad as I did. You said it was lust and.. and I thought about it long and hard and," She moved and stared at Lapis intensely, "you were wrong. I loved her, I loved her with all my heart. I physically hurt to walk out but I knew it'd be better for the both of us if I did. What we had Lapis, wasn't healthy." She smiled slightly, "I wouldn't have had it any other way though, because look! She met you." 

Lapis stared at the girl as she passed by, "Lapis I've done so many bad things but I'm trying to make them up. I'm going to talk to Peridot, I want this little war of ours to end." 

And then Lapis was alone.

Lapis eyed the closing door before she dragged her gaze up to the sky and smiled. 

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