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It was three years later. 

A certain blonde was walking down an all familiar path, snow crunching under her boots. The cold fall air didn't bother her. 

She soon caught sight of a gray house, she smiled and opened the door, walking inside.

"Lapis I'm home!" She called, taking her hoodie off and hanging it up.

The aforementioned didn't answer, worry began to set it and Peridot found herself wondering into a familiar blue room. "Lapis....?"



The blonde fell on her ass, making the perpetrator snort then laugh. 

"You're horrible." Peridot cringed, glaring up at her. 

Lapis grinned, "That's my line." She pouted, before she leaned in and kissed the girl. 

The two didn't want to pull away, but because they were only humans, they had to. Air was unfortunately a thing.

"Let's go for a walk." Peridot said casually, eyeing the girl. 

Lapis nodded and followed the girl out before they stopped at the Big Doughnut. Steven was there with the others who all were grinning. 


"Close your eyes."

Following the blondes orders, the bluenette closed her eyes. She heard shuffling and a gasp before she heard her girlfriends voice.

"Open them."

She opened her eyes and gasped, seeing Peridot on her knees, a box open in her hands with an Amazonite gem in the middle, surrounded by a Lapis Lazuli and a Peridot.

"Lapis Lazuli, I hated you at first. You turned my entire world upside down and I didn't know how to cope with it." Peridot started, making Lapis grin slightly, despite the shock. "But, you showed me that I can step out of my comfort zone, you helped me over so many things, hell, you held me while I freaked out." She laughed breathlessly, "I trust you with my life, and in turn my heart, so.. I have one question." She smiled up at bluenette, "Will you be the Zelda to my Link and marry me?" 

Lapis chuckled before breaking out into laughter, happy tears flowing down her face before she nodded, "Yes. A million times yes."

Grinning, Peridot shot up and pressed her lips to Lapis's, claps and cheers surrounded them, and a couple of 'awes' and a 'gross' from Lars. 

The two pulled away and, for the first time in four years, everything felt right. Peridot felt as if the bad past with Pearl was finally over, she looked forward to her future with the ethereal goddess in front of her. 

Steven grinned, "When's the wedding?" He asked, eyes twinkling.

Lapis and Peridot glanced at each other, "I was thinking our anniversary." m

"I am not getting married on Christmas, Lapis." 

"Okay, okay, fine. We'll need time to think about it." The aforementioned smiled then started to lead Peridot away.

They walked in comfortable silence before Peridot started getting chatty. "If we adopt children, can I name them Percy and Pierre?"

"We are not naming our children after Camp Pining Hearts."

"Aww, why not?"

As the fiances bickered playfully, Peridot realized something, as did Lapis.

As the two went inside the small gray house, they looked at each other. A thousand unsaid words passed through them but only three made there way out.

"I love you."

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