The Eviction Notice

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Quick headcanon:

Human AU

Chica's a cook,Foxy's a cleaner,Bonnie's a waiter but he takes care of all the electrical stuff too,Freddy's the manager

Foxy is dating Mangle but he likes Chica

Bonnie's starves himself

Foxy's from Brooklyn

Freddy's shy about his weight (he's chubby)

Bonnie forced the large glass doors shut!It was Winter time again,the usual time that he'd get sick and have his friends force him to take time off work.Not this time!This year,he was determined not to get sick!And even if he did catch a cold,he wouldn't let anyone know.

"Hey Bonnie!"Chica said.Bonnie turned around to face her and Foxy.They were sitting on one of the tables.

"Hi guys"Bonnie said,taking off his red scarf.

"Wrapped up already?"Foxy asked,grinning.

"You know I get sick really easily!"Bonnie said.He took off his bright purple jacket,revealing his lilac shirt and red bowtie.

"Alright guys,enough slacking off!"Freddy said,walking into the room.

"So what're we doin' today,boss?"Foxy asked.

"Party room 4 is booked out for today.Chica,get your stuff out and get ready to start cooking"Freddy ordered.

"Can do!"Chica exclaimed.

"Foxy,you're working around the arcade consoles and carousel until that party's over.I'm certain that there'll be some vomit or something for you to clean up!"Freddy continued.

"Again?"Foxy whined.

"And Bonnie,I've got some business for you to take care of until the party starts.I'll tell you when you need to go"Freddy said.

"O-Okay"Bonnie muttered.

"Foxy,help Chica get the kitchen ready"Freddy ordered.Foxy and chica walked off towards the kitchen.

"Come on"Freddy said,walking off.Bonnie hurried after him,almost tripping several times.Freddy lead him to the arcade machines behind the carousel.

"Same problems as usual?"Bonnie asked.

"Does spilling soda on the controls count?"Freddy asked.

"I'll see what I can do"Bonnie sighed.

*Time skip,two pm*

Bonnie closed the tool box and stood up.Yet again he saved a decaying arcade machine!

"Change of plans!"Freddy said,walking up behind him,making him squeak.

"I need your help with some stuff in my office"Freddy continued.

"Did you break your microphone again?"Bonnie asked.

"Yeah..."Freddy sighed.

"What happened this time?"Bonnie asked.

"I"Freddy hesitated."I spilled a milkshake on it!"

"How many times do I have to tell you to go on a diet?"Bonnie sighed.

"I know!It's just.....I like cake,alright?!"Freddy protested.

*Twenty minutes later*

Bonnie scanned through one of the papers on Freddy's desk.

"I don't even know what half of them are about!"Freddy said,nervously.

"Why is there an eviction notice?"Bonnie asked,passing him the paper he was reading.

"Oh.That.Um..."Freddy hesitated,rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you getting kicked out of your apartment?"Bonnie asked,slightly worried.

"I gave my brother the rent money and he didn't know what it was for.He just spent it on useless shit!"Freddy growled.

"You need to get a new roommate"Bonnie said.

"I can't.The poor guy would be lost without me"Freddy sighed.

"He's twenty one"Bonnie said.

"I know!"Freddy snapped.

"Maybe you could move in with someone else,let him have the place to himself.See how long he lasts by himself"Bonnie suggested.

"I'm not gonna move in with a random stranger,Bon!"Freddy said.

"I wasn't saying you should!"Bonnie protested.

"So what do I do then?!"Freddy asked,sarcastically.

"Well, could stay with me until you find a new room mate"Bonnie suggested.Freddy's cheeks turned red.

"O-Only if you want to!"Bonnie panicked.

"No!It's.....would it really be okay if you let me stay with you for a while?"Freddy asked.

"Of coarse.You don't have to pay rent or anything!I-I've can take care of that stuff!"Bonnie answered.

"No way!It's the least I could do,really"Freddy insisted.He smiled."Thanks,Bon."

"I-It's not a problem.I think I've got some clothes and stuff for you to borrow if you need it"Bonnie mentioned.

"No no,that's okay.I'll just go home after work and get some stuff.I'll be off your back in a few days,Bon.I promise!"Freddy replied.

"It's okay.You can stay as long as you need to"Bonnie said,smiling politely.

"Thanks Bon"Freddy said."I really appreciate it!"

"It's okay"Bonnie said."It's my pleasure."

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