The Family

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(A/N)I know it's super early,but I can't wait any fucking longer!I've been spamming updates for like five days,and I'm not stopping!I'm gonna miss this book when it finally finishes...

"Do I need to remember anything important?"Bonnie asked.

"Yeah,my cousin Mari's a doctor,so he might try and experiment on you if you end up in a room alone with him!"Freddy mentioned.Bonnie locked the car and walked up the long,stone driveway.

"Do I have to remember names?"Bonnie asked.

"No.Once we're out of here,I'll tell my mom we broke up"Freddy answered.He knocked on the door.Every inch of the giant house was covered in Christmas decorations.

The door sung open.A woman ginger hair and a red dress opened it.

"Hi Freddy!Mom's in the kitchen!"she squealed,stepping aside for him to walk in.

"Thanks"Freddy said,smiling politely.

"Is this your boyfriend?"the woman asked.

"Um.....yeah"Freddy hesitated.

"Hi!I'm Baby Fazbear!"the woman exclaimed,holding her hand to Bonnie.

"Hi,I-I'm Bonnie Sanchez!"Bonnie said,shaking her hand.

"Hey,you're Spring's brother,right?"Baby asked.

"Oh...y-yeah....."Bonnie muttered.

"Come on in!Spring and Goldie are in the sitting room!"Baby exclaimed,skipping ahead of them.

"Come with me if you want to live!"Freddy warned,following Baby.

Freddy and Bonnie walked into the kitchen.Baby was putting bits and pieces of food onto the counter.There was a young man sitting at the table on his phone,and a woman cutting up vegetable at one of the counters.

"Hey mom"Freddy said.

"Hello,sweetie!"the woman said,turning to him and Bonnie."Is this your boyfriend?"

"Yeah,this is Bonnie"Freddy answered,glancing at Bonnie.He looked like he was about to have a panic attack!

"Lovely to meet you.I'm Freya,Freddy's mom!"the woman said,putting the knife down and turning to face them.She glanced at the boy who was on his phone.

"Phelim,your brother's home"she said.

"Hey Freddy"the boy muttered,not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Great to see you too,Phelim"Freddy said,grinning.

"Your dad's in the sitting room with everyone else"Freya mentioned.

"Hey Freddy,can you go to the store and get some more cream?"Baby asked,placing more ingredients onto the counter.

"Yeah,just make sure dad and Goldie stay away from Bonnie"Freddy answered.

"Will do!"Baby replied.

"Be back in about ten minutes!"Freddy called,walking to the front door.

"Aren't you Spring's brother?"Freya asked.

"Yeah"Bonnie hesitated.

"Do you need any help with your bags?"Baby asked.

"No thanks"Bonnie said,smiling politely.

"So what do you do for a living,Bonnie?"Freya asked.

"I'm a busboy,but I'm hoping to get a master's degree in engineering"Bonnie answered.

"Interesting.How long have you been living in New York?"Freya asked.

"Almost three years"Bonnie answered.

"The traffic must be a bitch!"Baby said.

"Baby!"Freya snapped.

"Lay off,mom.It's just words"Phelim said.

"Please excuse the idiots,they have no idea what they're saying"Freya said.

"It's okay"Bonnie said,awkwardly.

"Hey Bonnie,why aren't you at your house for Christmas?"Baby asked.

"I wasn't really doing anything for Christmas anyway"Bonnie answered.

"Well surely you'd want to spend Christmas with your parents!"Freya said.

"No.My dad's back in New Jersey,and my mom passed away when I was a baby"Bonnie replied.

"Oh,I'm sorry to hear that"Freya said,sadly.

"It's okay.I don't have a very good relationship with the rest of my family"Bonnie muttered.



"Oh dear"Freya sighed.

"Twins are at it again?"Baby asked.

"Yes,unfortunately.Phelim,would you please show Bonnie to the guest room?"Freya asked.

"Whatever"Phelim sighed,putting his phone in his pocket.He got up and trudged into the hall,Bonnie following.

"Sixth door on the left is the last empty room"he said,walking into the sitting room.Bonnie followed his directions and walked to the spare room.It was,just like every other room in the house,enormous!He took off his lilac coat,revealing the small indigo shirt underneath it.Bonnie sighed.He didn't like it.He didn't like any of his new clothes.His bony figure was visible through it.He didn't want people to see how skinny he really was.

A knock came at the door.Bonnie opened it.There was a tall man with black hair standing there.

"Hello"Bonnie said,awkwardly.

"You were part of the Sanchez theory,correct?"the man asked.

"I'm sorry,what?"Bonnie asked.

"You're Bonnie Sanchez.You were born with female organs instead of males resulting in a difference in you're reproductive cycle"the man explained.

"Excuse me?!"Bonnie asked.

"I'm doctor Mari Fawler.I heard about your disorder,and I am very much interested"the man answered.

"Okay,listen.It's not unheard of for a person to be born with parts from the opposite sex.Please don't talk to me about something like this again because it makes me very uncomfortable.Have a nice day!"Bonnie said,closing the door.

"Wait!Please,just answer a few questions?I have to start a report once I get back to work,and I need to decide what subject I write it on!"Mari begged.

"I don't have an issue speaking to you in general.Just stop asking me about this stuff"Bonnie replied.

"Please?!If I prove something as insane as a male with a genetic disorder that allows him to reproduce with another male,it would be a break through in the medical industry!"Mari begged.

"Goodbye,Mari!"Bonnie snapped,shutting the door.He sighed."This is why I didn't want to come back to Manhattan!"

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