Party Time

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(A/N)Okay,please don't take anything in this chapter serious!There is a lot of alcohol usage,drugs,violence and sexual references about other writers.So other writers,I will not write anything to bad about you guys!At most you're drunk!But I,on the other hand,get high in this chapter.Do not take any of this seriously,this is purely for entertainment,I am not a stoner.Please don't sue me?!

"Hey guys!"Foxy exclaimed,opening his apartment door.Bonnie and Freddy were standing there.Freddy was holding two six-pack's of beer,and Bonnie was holding a brown paper bag filled with grocery's.Foxy reeked of whisky and vomit!

"Are you drunk?"Freddy asked.

"I guess!Does sour milk mixed with vodka count?!"Foxy asked.Bonnie gagged and Freddy tried not to throw up.

"Everyone's on the roof!"Foxy exclaimed,shutting his apartment door and walking towards the stairs.Bonnie and Freddy followed.Once they had made it to the roof,Freddy actually kind of wanted to jump of the roof!

The party on the roof was absolute chaos!People were drinking,fighting,swinging off the edge of the roof and,of coarse,having sex!

"I want to go home"Bonnie whispered.

"Me too!"Freddy replied,quietly.

"Hey Bonnie*Hic*!"

Freddy and Bonnie turned around,only to see Teddy stumble over to them with a bottle of whisky in her hand.

"What's *hic* up?!"she asked.

"Are you drunk?"Bonnie asked in concern.

"Fuck yeah!"Teddy exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?"Freddy asked.

"I live on the first floor!"Teddy exclaimed.She looked past him."Ooh,shots!"

She wobbily rushed passed them.

Suddenly,Freddy spied someone out of the corner of his eye.There was a guy lying on top of one of the huge speakers,passed out.Someone wrote "Attention Whore" on his forehead.

"Is that Dire?"Bonnie asked.

"Yep!"Freddy answered,backing away.


Bonnie turned around just in time to see Ninka run towards him with hearts in her eyes.Freddy grabbed Bonnie and pulled him out of the way.Ninka ran to the edge of the roof.Unfortunately,she didn't have enough time to stop.She ran straight off the roof,screaming!

"Is she okay?!"Freddy panicked.

"She'll be fine"Bonnie answered,calmly.Suddenly,Freddy heard people chanting on the toher side of the roof.He and Bonnie walked over.

There was a girl on her knee's with her face pressed against a wooden crate.Everyone else was chanting things like "High","Sniff",or "Stoned".The girl stood up,brushing her short brown hair out of her face.Her mouth and nose was covered in some kind of white powder.

"Oh,hey Bonnie!"she exclaimed,dizzily.

"JJ!Are you on drugs?!"Bonnie asked.

"Sure"JJ answered,shrugging her shoulders.

"YOU SUCK,FAGGOT!"someone yelled.A burning bottle of beer was thrown at JJ.She barely managed to catch.

"AND YOU SUCK DICK,CUNT!"JJ shouted,throwing the bottle back at them.The bottle exploded.People cheered and screamed for JJ.

"Okay,she's fucking insane!"Freddy said,awkwardly.

"Freddy,JJ's genderfluid"Bonnie mentioned.

"Okay,let's go before I insult anyone else!"Freddy said,turning around and walking towards the door with Bonnie!


Freddy opened the apartment door,and Bonnie walked through.Freddy closed the door.

"What now?"he asked.

"I don't know.It's still early.Wanna watch a movie?"Bonnie asked.

"Sure"Freddy answered.Bonnie put some popcorn in the microwave and Freddy sat on the couch,looking through the movie disc's.They were mostly kids movie's.

"Wanna watch Zootopia?"Freddy asked.

"Ask me again once Wildehopps is canon!"Bonnie called from the kitchen.

"I'll take that as a yes"Freddy muttered,putting the disc into the DVD player.Bonnie put the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table and rushed into his bedroom.A minute later,he came back wearing baggy sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt.He was carrying a fluffy blanket.Freddy quickly went into the bedroom and put on his pj's.He hurried back into the sitting room just in time to see the start of the movie!


"Well,I'm beat!"Bonnie yawned,stretching his arms.

"Me too"Freddy said,rubbing his sleepy eyes.He turned off the TV.He looked at Bonnie."You remind me of a bunny!"

"What?"Bonnie asked.

"You're really small,and you're hair is really soft"Freddy answered,playing with Bonnie's lilac locks.

" remind me of a bear for some reason"Bonnie muttered.

"Really?"Freddy asked.

"Yeah.You're really warm,and soft,and chubby!"Bonnie answered,happily.He hugged Freddy."My teddy bear....."Freddy smiled and gently petted Bonnie's head.

"Good cotton tail"he muttered.Bonnie glanced up at Freddy.The orange glow from street lamps made his eyes shine.Freddy leaned down,slowly.He planted a little kiss on Bonnie's forehead.Bonnie curled up into a ball and laid his head on Freddy's shoulder.Freddy gently rocked him back and forth.After a few minutes,he stopped.Bonnie kissed him on his cheek.Freddy thought it was only fair to return the favor.He lightly kissed him on the lips.For a second or two,he deepened the kiss.Freddy pulled away for a minute.

"A-Are we stopping?"Bonnie asked,nervously.

"I hope not"Freddy answered,smiling warmly.He wrapped his arms around Bonnie's waist and pulled him closer.He could feel Bonnie's bony figure through the baggy clothing.It made him worried.He didn't like the fact that Bonnie self harmed.Starving himself was a very bad choice in his life.Hell,if he took pills or cut it would have been over in a flash.But this?No.Freddy wouldn't stand for this!

"What did I do wrong?"

"What?"Freddy asked.

"Why did they do that to me?"Bonnie whimpered,burying his face in Freddy's chest.

"W-Who are you talking about?"Freddy asked.

"S-Spring and Goldie a-and Clyde and R-Red and.....a-and....."Bonnie sobbed.

"It's okay,Bon"Freddy said,rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down.Bonnie sobbed.Freddy gently wiped away his tears and placed a tiny kiss on the tip of his nose.

"It's okay.I'll always be here to protect you"he whispered,holding Bonnie's shaking hands.

"I'm.......I'm sorry,Fred.I'm not ready for stuff like this yet"Bonnie muttered,sadly.

"Don't worry,I understand.I guess I'll just have to wait til you're more comfortable with it"Freddy replied,smiling reassuringly.

"Thanks"Bonnie muttered,laying his head on Freddy's shoulder.A few minutes of silence later,he drifted off to sleep.

"My cotton tail"Freddy whispered to himself.A few minutes later,he fell asleep.

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