Stranger Danger

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Freddy sat in the passengers seat,looking around awkwardly.Bonnie was in the drivers seat,eyes fixed on the road.

"Are you always this quiet?"Freddy asked.

"Yes"Bonnie said,blankly.

Freddy looked out the window.They finally arrived back at Bonnie's apartment.It took them a while to climb the stairs,mostly because of Freddy's laziness.Eventually,they finally made it back to the apartment.

"Um...any idea what's for dinner?"Freddy asked.

"I'm not that hungry,but you can have anything you want"Bonnie muttered.Freddy checked his phone.Only six thirty.

"So,what're we gonna do tonight?"he asked.

"I've got work"Bonnie answered.

"What?"Freddy asked.

"What?Never met a guy with two jobs before?"Bonnie asked.

"I didn't know you had a second job"Freddy said.

"Yeah.That's one of the reasons I'm always late.Never get a good nights rest"Bonnie replied.

"Why do you need a second job?"Freddy asked.

"I'm a busboy who has to pay for college,idiot!"Bonnie snapped.Freddy backed away,slightly scared.

"Alright"he muttered.Bonnie walked to the kitchen and grabbed a drink out of the fridge.A question popped into Freddy's head.

"Um,Bonnie?How old are you?"he asked,awkwardly.

"Nineteen"Bonnie answered,opening the front door."What about you?"

"A-Almost twenty!"Freddy stammered in shock.

"Alright.I'll be back in time for work tomorrow,so don't panic if you wake up early and I'm not here.I'll be back before 4"Bonnie mentioned,closing the front door.

"Bye"Freddy sighed.He looked around.Nothing to do.He spied Bonnie's bedroom door.Might as well see what Bonnie was so secretive about!

He walked over and opened it,luckily it wasn't locked.The room was almost completely bare!There was a small bed,a bedside locker with a lamb and laptop on it,as well as a phone.The curtains were drawn and the lights were off.Freddy turned on the lamp and picked up the phone,when it began buzzing!Freddy jumped back in fright,almost dropping the phone.The caller ID was simply labeled "Spring".It reminded Freddy of something,but he couldn't put his finger on it.After a minute or two,the phone stopped buzzing.Freddy put it back,afraid it would start ringing again.He quickly left the room and closed the door behind him.Once he was back in the main room of the apartment,a small knock came at the door.For a minute,Freddy assumed it was just Bonnie and that he'd forgotten something.But then a soft,feminine voice began calling through the door,saying things like,"It's just me" or "I know you're in there".Freddy crept over to the door.It wasn't locked.He was about to turn the key,when the door handle was turned.Freddy backed away.There in the doorway stood a woman.She had long,blonde,ragged hair.He eyes were green.She was wearing a leather jacket,a red and black striped skirt,black tights and biker boots.

"Hello"she said,softly.

"Um,hey"Freddy muttered.

"Where are your parents?"the woman asked.Freddy stared at her.

"I'm joking,I'm joking!"she laughed.

"What do you want?"Freddy asked.

"I'm looking for my brother,haven't seen him for a while.I think he lives here,do you know him?"the woman asked.

"W-What's his name?"Freddy asked,trying to sound casual.

"Bonnie"the woman answered,smiling.Freddy stiffened.

"I...I don't think so"he lied.

"I can read you like a book,you know"the woman mentioned,smiling.

"Pardon me?"Freddy asked.

"I'll come back another time.Do tell him I stopped by,won't you?"the woman asked,walking towards the stairs.

"W-Wait!What's your name?!"Freddy demanded.

"No time for names,darling.Just ell him his sister dropped by.Toodles!"the woman hollered,disappearing down the flight of stairs.

*Time skip,7 pm the next day*

Freddy put his coat on the coat rack.

"Um,hey Bonnie?"he hesitated,turning towards the purple haired teenager.

"Yes?"Bonnie asked.

"Someone was looking for you yesterday"Freddy said.

"It was probably just the land lord.Ignore him,he's just looking for more money from me cause no one else in the building is coughing up their money"Bonnie replied.

"It was a woman"Freddy mentioned.Bonnie seemed to stiffen.

"She said she was your sister"Freddy continued.The color seemed to drain from Bonnie's face.

"Are you okay?"Freddy asked.

"I-I don't...I don't f-feel well"Bonnie muttered,shakily opening the door.

"A-Are you sick?!"Freddy panicked.

"I-I don't think so"Bonnie answered,trying to sound casual.

"Maybe you shouldn't go into work"Freddy suggested.

"No!I-I'm fine!"Bonnie protested,slowly walking out the door.

"Alright.But if you get any sicker,I'm not letting you go into work tomorrow"Freddy mentioned.

"I'm fine,Freddy"Bonnie said,trying to sound reassuring.This was bad.Really bad.

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