Breaking Breakfast

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(Hello again, everyone! This is a book of one-shots and short scenarios about Bill, Will, and most importantly, YOU!

It takes place after the ending of UnWanted Reunion, but it's not necessary to read both my previous books to understand this one. If you're just joining us now, just know that the premise is that Bill and Will have lost their demon powers, become humans, and moved in with Y/N (the reader).

Suggestions and requests gladly accepted; I'll turn anything within reason into a one-shot starring these dorks! OCs and crossovers are okay as well.)

Bill attempts to make breakfast. Hilarity ensues.


A crash came from the kitchen.

Not again, you groaned to yourself. You wondered if you went back to bed now, you'd wake up to find that this morning wasn't actually happening.

"If you set the house on fire again-" you warned, starting to stand up.

"No! Everything is under control!" Bill shouted from the kitchen. "Don't come in!"

You sighed heavily and sat back down at the table. It had been a few weeks since you'd all moved in together, and the boys were still getting used to human things. Bill had had trouble with eating until he learned that food was only supposed to go in his mouth, as opposed to his eyes. He had trouble grasping the concept of sleeping as well. The first few days, he would simply stay awake until he passed out. You'd had to sit him down and explain things like bedtime.

"So you're saying I have to do this EVERY NIGHT?!" he'd whined. "Come on, that wastes so much time! How do you humans ever get anything done?"

"Us humans," you reminded him. He growled in frustration.

You chuckled at the memory, but were interrupted by another crashing sound from the kitchen.

"Don't make me come in there!" you yelled.

"We're almost done!" Bill called back.

You waited impatiently until Bill emerged from the kitchen, holding a plate and a glass. He was still wearing his yellow pajamas, the short sleeves showing off the nyan cat tattoo on his forearm. He set the plate in front of you and waited expectantly.  His amber eyes were focused on you intently.

You stared at the smoking mess with trepidation. "What... is it?"

"Eggs!" he said proudly.

You had to admit that the blackened lump had probably been an egg at one point, but now it was nothing more than a solid chunk of carbon. It was smoking so profusely that you were worried about the smoke detector, which was pretty sensitive in your apartment. Bill had already set it off four times, once in the middle of the night, which had led to a stern warning from the building manager.

You took a sip of the orange juice, which Bill hadn't managed to ruin by adding pine cones or whatever his twisted idea of human food entailed. He still hovered behind you, waiting for you to try the eggs.

With no other ways to stall, you hesitantly picked up the fork and tried to break a piece off the lump. It was considerably resistant to your efforts, but you managed to shatter it with difficulty.

Here goes nothing, you thought to yourself, bracing yourself before eating a small piece.

You had to resist the urge to spit it out. It tasted like roadkill that had been Tasered until it was medium rare, then left to simmer in Death Valley for a year. You hadn't even known eggs could taste this vile.

"Do you like it?" Bill asked.

"I sure do!" you enthused sarcastically. "In fact, I feel bad keeping this to myself! You should eat some, too!" your grin was over the top, but he was asking for it. He scooted away uncomfortably, suddenly not making eye contact.

"Well, I... it's your breakfast, you shouldn't have to share!" he said quickly, beginning to edge out of the room.

You stood up forcefully. "Oh, no. I insist. You should eat some right now."

"Okay, you win!" he blurted. "I know it's terrible!" His face was red.

You cracked up, picking up the forsaken plate and dumping the contents in the trash. "It's not so bad, really. You just need more practice is all."

"Don't patronize me," he muttered forlornly.

You took the plate into the kitchen, trying to contain your laughter as Bill stalked away, grumbling.  Will was at the stove, working on his own breakfast attempt.  His blue hair was sticking up all over the place.  He whistled while he cooked, seeming more cheerful than usual.  You were glad his morose attitude had lifted somewhat.

"Whatcha making?" you piped up.  He shrieked, startled.  The spatula fell out of his hand, splattering batter all over the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" you apologized.  "I didn't mean to scare you!"  You rushed to clean up the mess before he could, putting the spatula back in his hand and giving him an apologetic side hug.

"P-pancakes," he said, as though you couldn't guess from the bowl of batter, the smell coming from the pan, and of course the biggest clue: the  pile of finished pancakes right next to him.  The ones on the bottom of the pile were blackened and misshapen, but the newer ones were perfectly round and golden brown.  You were impressed at how quickly he'd gotten the hang of it.

"They look delicious.  I can't wait," you told him. 

He reddened and looked away, abashed. "Th-thanks."

Two minutes later, you were sitting back at the table with your pancakey prize.  It looked delicious and smelled heavenly.  Will sat across from you nervously with his own pancakes.  Bill was sulking and had refused to eat.

With high expectations, you took a big bite.  Will looked at you expectantly as you chewed... and chewed some more... and finally swallowed.

"Do you l-like it?" he asked hesitantly.

You weren't quite sure what to say.  You were trying too hard to contain your laughter to trust yourself to say anything.

Will frowned.  "W-what is it?"

Finally you burst out laughing, nearly dipping your hair into the syrup. 

Will looked alarmed.  "Did I d-do it wrong?"

"No," you finally gasped.  "I love it." 


To prove it, you quickly scarfed down the rest of the pancake.  "Yes, really.  In fact, I think crunchy pancakes are my new favorite breakfast.  However..."


"Next time I might have to teach you which part of the egg to use."

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