Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

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(This request comes from xxbipperxx6551! You get a succinct overview of what went down on their trip to Disneyland, because it got too long and I didn't want to split it up.  Will this go horribly, hilariously wrong?  PROBABLY!)


"Why do I ever take you guys anywhere," you groaned.  "This is so much more trouble than it's worth.  Why do people on the internet hate us so much?"

Your current misadventure had resulted from a phone call out of the blue from Jasmine, who wanted nothing more than to go to Disneyland for her birthday.  Since your parents were too busy and/or neglectful to take her themselves, you had been volunteered against your will to go with her.

And, of course, that meant bringing along your entourage of ex-demons.

Packing for your trip was every bit the ordeal you'd expected it to be.  As always, Bill did his level best to distract you from doing anything productive, and Will obsessively packed and re-packed all of your suitcases over and over until you had to dig your way through half a dozen nested levels of luggage just to get to your toothbrush.

At long last, more than three hours after your planned getaway, you managed to usher them both out the door with suitcases in both hands, your purse around your neck and a steady stream of threats and reassurances aimed at each of them in turn.

After half an hour in the bus to the nearest city with an airport, you made it to your terminal with four minutes to spare.  You were dragging two bags in one hand to make room for Will's hand in the other.

Will, who was afraid of heights, spent the entire flight with his head buried in your shoulder.  You were seated between him and Bill, who was fixated on the view out the window with fascination.

At least Bill's not being a nuisance in this confined space, you thought.  I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd given the stewardesses heart attacks by now.  You ruffled Will's hair reassuringly. He whimpered in response.

He's scared of heights, crowds, outdoors, and people in general, you mused.  Remind me again why this was a good idea?

"Because it's a better idea than leaving us at home unsupervised?" Bill suggested.

You turned to him, alarmed.  "How did you do that?"

Bill smirked in your direction.  "Maybe I read your mind," he said cryptically.

You snorted.  "Or maybe you just know me too well."

Turning your attention back to Will, you tried to put your discomfort aside.  

He's just being silly, you insisted to yourself.  There's no way he actually read my mind.

"Or did I..." Bill muttered under his breath.

You smacked him.  "You stop that."

Now convinced that he was just messing with you, you rolled your eyes and pointedly ignored him for the rest of the flight.

Jasmine's flight had already arrived by the time you touched down, and you met her at the baggage claim with a big hug.

"Jazz!" you squealed, in the ear-piercing decibel peculiar to Northwest girls.  "Happy birthday!  You don't turn seventeen every day!"

"Thanks for coming!" she gushed in return, her high-pitched voice threatening to break all the glass in the terminal.  Against the boys' protests, she tackled them with hugs as well.

"It's not like I had a choice!" you jested, with only the barest hint of resentment at how you'd been prodded into this trip against your will.

She scoffed.  "Like you'd turn down a chance to go to Disneyland."

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