Road Trip: Chapter 4

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(Shout-out to my new friend HappyFazzbearPonies, who shares several of my obsessions! :D)

You dreamed you were falling.

You were aware you were dreaming, but you still couldn't slow your pounding heart. It was always the same dream, every single night. Tumbling helplessly through the air, the Fearamid above you and the unforgiving ground rushing up to meet you.

It always ended the same way, too. The horrible "crunch" that you couldn't feel, but somehow heard as the violent end of your dream snapped you into wakefulness, the echoing memory of your own death staying with you all day like a second shadow.

You woke up nose-to-nose with Will.

This was routine for you, but you weren't at home in your apartment. You were nervous that someone else in the house might notice the arrangement, which would raise questions and awkward assumptions that you weren't prepared to address. You especially wouldn't put it past Jasmine to immediately jump to the worst conclusion.

You took a deep breath, shaking off the anxiety brought on by your recurring nightmare.  You never said a word about it to anyone.  It was your just punishment for making stupid decisions, and you hadn't earned the right to complain about the consequences of your deal with Tad Strange.

Will was still sleeping, his blue hair all over the place, a tiny wrinkle of a frown between his eyebrows even in sleep.  You shifted your weight, stretching to kiss his forehead right on the frown line.  You felt him twitch as he opened his eyes.

"Morning, Blueberry Pie," you whispered to him.

"M-morning," he responded automatically.

You sat up and stretched, stifling a yawn as you climbed over him out of bed.  "Did you sleep well?" you inquired.

"Not really."

"Understandable.  What do you say we cut this trip a bit short and head home sooner rather than later?" you offered.

"R-really?" he squeaked.  "You'd do that for me?"

You leaned over him to ruffle his hair affectionately.  "Sure thing, sweetheart.  After all, I'm getting kind of tired of being back here.  I'm ready to go home."

"Me too," Will agreed wholeheartedly.

You chuckled.  "All right, I'll look at bus schedules after breakfast."

You left your bedroom, yelling a greeting to Bill through his closed door.  After glancing around to make sure the hallway was clear, you jumped onto the banister and slid down the stairs like you used to do when you were young.  Large chunks were still missing from your memories, but you knew that your childhood had been far from carefree.  Still, some of your best memories involved sliding down this banister despite the penalties for getting caught.

Too late, you noticed someone standing in the foyer.  Busted... You landed on your feet, already articulating an apology, but your words caught in your throat.

"M-mom?" you choked out.

"Hello, Y/N," your mother said.

Evelyn Northwest looked exactly like you remembered her.  Her blonde hair was in a braided bun, her poise and grace making even the ordinary outfit she was wearing look elegant.  Standing in the opulent foyer of Northwest Manor, she obviously belonged here in a way that you never had.

"I suppose a hug is in order?" she offered with a smile, holding her arms out to you.

You hesitated, then hugged her briefly.  The smell of her perfume brought back a thousand half-buried memories of growing up in semi-isolation.  Her manicured nails swiped your shoulder as she let go, making you shiver.

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