Road Trip: Chapter 2

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Bill and Will finally understand why Y/N doesn't talk about her home life.


Northwest Manor was an imposing silhouette in the afternoon light as you hiked up the long driveway.  You walked with your eyes fixed steadily forward, ignoring the pristine landscaping on either side of you.

You had one hand hooked around your suitcase.  Will was clinging tightly to your other hand.  If he'd been any more on edge, he'd have fallen off it.

Bill and Will gaped in awe at the majestic foyer as you entered the manor.  You glanced at Jasmine, who understood your subtle hint.

"Why don't I give you guys the grand tour while Y/N and Carla take care of your luggage?" she suggested eagerly.

Will reflexively clamped tighter onto your hand.  You gently but firmly pried him away from your side.

"I'll show you where you're sleeping when you're done with the tour, okay?" you muttered to him softly.  He reluctantly let go of your hand, opting instead to grab onto Bill's arm.  You doubted he would give up the koala act until he was back in familiar territory.

Bill gave you a searching gaze as he handed over his suitcase.  You kept up your poker face, wishing he wasn't able to understand you quite so well.

Later, you promised with your eyes.  He didn't seem satisfied, but allowed Jasmine to lead him out of the room without comment.  You and Carla headed up the grand staircase, luggage in hand.

"Where's Mom?" you asked, trying to sound casual.   You were almost at the top of the stairs before she answered.

"Paris," she informed you.

You nodded in understanding, ignoring the sympathetic look Carla gave you.  You hadn't expected much from your mother.  In the year and a half you'd lived away from home, she'd texted you a grand total of once.  You hadn't contacted her either.  Still, it was hard not to feel disappointed.

You left your own suitcase in front of your bedroom door, dragging Bill's luggage to the guest room next door to yours.

"Which room should I put this suitcase into?" Carla inquired.

"Oh, they can both go in here," you offered.  You knew there was no way Will would be sleeping by himself in an unfamiliar house, especially with the threat of Mabel's presence hanging over his head.

"I think I'll unpack now, if you don't mind." You motioned vaguely to your room.  Carla nodded and you shut yourself in your childhood bedroom.  The place was just as you'd left it.  Clean, extravagant and utterly devoid of heart.

Instead of unpacking, you threw yourself on your giant bed and covered your face with one of the fluffy pillows.  You took several deep breaths, willing yourself to relax.

It's not like it's that bad here, you told yourself.  I don't have to deal with Dad alone or anything . Maybe this will just be a fun vacation.

You couldn't really make yourself believe that.

All too soon, you heard a knock at the door.  You sat up as Jasmine burst in, Bill and Will trailing behind her.

"Y/N, you've been holding out on us! Your place is awesome!" Bill cackled.  Even Will was smiling faintly, though his knuckles where white where he was still gripping Bill's arm.

"Glad you like it.  It took me almost twenty years to get away from this place." You rolled your eyes, trying to pass off your discomfort as a joke.

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