Slumber Party (part 2)

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(A/N: Guess what I'm doing now?  I'd be remiss in my responsibilities as an author if I didn't constantly improve my own writing, so I'm revising from the ground up.  The first three chapters of book 1 are already about 30% better IMHO.  There won't be any major plot changes, so there's no need to read it all again; I'm just patting myself on the back here for dealing with the nuts and bolts of good writing!  It's not all fun and games, you know.  Well, it mostly is.)

(Y/N POV still)

"Will, honey?" you called.

He appeared in an instant.  He always comes right away.  Old habits die hard, I suppose.

"Is everything o-okay?" he asked nervously.  He already lived in a state of perpetual anxiety, so you didn't want to add to it, but warning him in advance would be better than springing this on him tonight.

You cleared your throat.  "Listen... I have some news.  Now, don't freak out.  It's just... I'm bringing some friends over for a slumber party tonight."

The color drained from his face.  "Y-you're bringing people here?  D-do you have to?" he asked.

You knew that there was little that could aggravate his anxiety quicker than the idea of meeting new people.  You were sympathetic to his anthropophobia, but you were determined that this was happening.

"We've been over this before, remember?  When Jasmine came to visit?  I know you don't feel ready for this, but be honest with me.  Will you ever feel ready?"

He wouldn't meet your eyes.  "N-no."

"That's what I thought.  They're coming over tonight, and we're all hanging out, and it'll be a blast."

His face got progressively paler as you spoke.  You couldn't tell if he was about to throw up, pass out, or both.  He flinched as you grabbed his shoulders, leading him to the couch before he collapsed.  You sat next to him and stroked his back soothingly, trying to head off his impending panic attack.

"It's all right, Bluebird," you said softly.  "I know meeting new people is scary, but if you're not comfortable, you can always stay in your room.  But they're really nice girls, and they're both really excited to meet you.  Besides, I'll be right there the entire time."

He was silent for a long moment.  "F-fine."

"That's my Blueberry Pancake.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go threaten Bill." 


Will jumped when the doorbell rang.

"It's them!" you cried, rushing to the door and throwing it open.  Candy and Toon hug-tackled you into your apartment excitedly.  They were already in their pajamas, which you'd come to realize was their normal state. 

"I'm so glad you're here!" you squealed.  "Thanks for coming!"  You showed them into the living room, where you'd set up two beanbag chairs on the floor.  The coffee table was packed with pizza, bowls of chips, and soda.  Board games were stacked neatly underneath it.

Bill had promised to be on his best behavior, but you still kept a wary eye on him when he joined the party in the living room.  You wouldn't put it past him to spring some sort of trap on the girls he had labeled sight-unseen as "bad influences."

Your suspicions were unfounded, however.  He greeted your friends politely— well, as polite as Bill ever got— and within minutes, he and Candy were deep in conversation about the most efficient ways of disemboweling an enemy.  You were slightly creeped out, but happy they'd found common ground.  She mocked his tattoo and he threatened to stab her eyes out, but they were both smiling so you assumed it was all in fun.  Probably.

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