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Babysitter AU requested by duhitzlivvv.  Oh, the humanity.

In this chapter, you're about 14-15, living with a regular family instead of the Northwests.


"Now, you have my phone number?  And the number for poison control?" your neighbor asked nervously.

"I've done this before," you assured her, ruffling Will's hair as he and Bill bounced at your elbows.  "Everything's going to be just fine.  Have fun at the meeting or whatever!"

You cheerfully pushed your neighbor out the door, slamming it behind her.

"Okay, kids," you announced, turning back to the living room, "who's ready to have some... fun?"

The room was empty.  The two boys had vanished.

"Um, hello?" you shouted.  "Boys?  Bill?  Will?"

No answer.

"This isn't funny!" you shouted louder.  "Come on out and we'll have hot dogs!"

Frustrated, you ambled from room to room, checking under furniture and behind doors.  Your neighbor's house was about the same size as yours, cluttered with a mélange of the boys' toys, backpacks, and discarded shoes.  

You gave the upstairs rooms a brief once-over, marching back down to the main level with an increasing level of irritation.  When you reached the kitchen, you immediately detected muffled giggles emanating from the pantry.

"Now where could those naughty boys have gone?" you mused, tiptoeing to the door before throwing it open.

"Hello!" Will grinned at you, sitting comfortably between the corn chips and the maple syrup.

"Will!" you mock scolded.  "What are you doing in here?"

"Distracting you!" he announced cheerfully.

"What- ARGH!" You shrieked as a 60-pound projectile launched itself from behind the door at your head, sending you flying.  

"VICTORY!" Bill shrieked, pointing a Nerf gun at you.  He was wearing a plastic colander on his head.  "Now give us cookies or die!"

"Traitor," you grumbled at Will, who was climbing out from the pantry.  Will only shrugged apologetically. 

In a quick move, you kicked the gun out of Bill's hand and swept his legs out from under him, pinning him to the kitchen floor with your arm against his neck.

"You're too young for cookies," you said sternly.  "We're having hot dogs and that's that."

"You can't tell me what to do!" Bill howled.  "I am vengeance!  I am the night!"

"No, Bill, you're not Batman.  If I let you up, will you promise to sit still and eat your dinner?"

"Never," he hissed.

You looked to Will helplessly.  "What does your mom usually do?"

Will shrugged.  "Bribery, mostly."

Bill was beginning to struggle fiercely against your hold.  "I want cookies!" he shouted at you.

"You think I'm giving you more sugar?  You're obviously hopped up on Smile Dip already!" you retorted.

Will sighed.  "No, he's always like this."

"If I let you up, will you eat hot dogs?" you asked Bill.  "And we can play video games afterward."

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