The Night Before Christmas

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Twas the night before Chrismas,

All was quiet and still,

Not a creature was stirring,

Except our friend Bill.

The stockings were hung by the window with care,

Since there was no fireplace in our fourth-story lair.

Will was already nestled all snug in his bed,

With visions of Mabel tormenting his head.

Though our festive traditions were all in good fun,

I regretted telling Bill that Santa would come.

"Just go to bed!" I argued in vain,

Nearing tears as I shouted the useless refrain,

"Santa won't come if you're staying awake!"

"Fool! Do you think I'll so easily break?"

He declared, as I saw what I'd feared,

Our Christmas cookies had all disappeared.

Dealing with Bill was already a curse,

But Bill on a sugar high was a thousand times worse.

I had already put on my kerchief and cap,

Ready to settle down for a long winter's nap.

But then from the living room arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed, as mad as a hatter.

"If you try to resist, I'll get violent too!

You're going to bed if it's the last thing I do!"

We wrestled, he struggled, and then we both froze.

From outside the window, a strange noise arose.

When what should appear, right inside our home,

But a miniature sleigh pulled by eight tiny gnomes!

"ACK!" I screeched. "What are you doing in here?"

"Ho ho ho!" laughed the man. "Spreading Christmas cheer!"

Though Bill had set out a bear trap or three,

Santa filled our stockings and left gifts by the tree.

"Hey!" Bill insisted. "There's someone you missed!"

Santa chuckled. "You, my friend, are not on the nice list.

You're foolish, impatient, selfish, and vain,

Plus you enjoy causing everyone pain."

"Please," Bill entreated, "I've changed my old ways!

even though I was villainous in the old days!"

"Sorry, Bill," Santa said, "Though you may be right,

I'm afraid coal is all you'll be getting tonight."

Bill sat and sighed with a disappointed pout,

As St. Nick climbed in his sleigh to finish his route.

"Now, Harry! Now, Jerry! Now, Phillip and Teddy!

On, Jason! On, Carson! On, Norman and Freddy! (On, Schmebulock!)

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!"

Back in the house, Bill frowned in distress.

"Look, I know this year hasn't been a success,

But there's always next Christmas!" I reassured him,

But I think my words did nothing but hurt him.

"Wait... look!" I shouted. "Your name's on this one!

I guess Santa was just lying for fun!"

"Wow," said Bill, "I thought that was my game.

I guess that old geezer isn't really so lame."

I yawned. "I guess Santa's a bit of a creep.

But all I want for Christmas is a good night's sleep."

I heard Santa exclaim, as he drove out of sight,

"Merry Christmas to Bill, and to Bill a good night!"

Merry Christmas, everyone! This is my Christmas special, and RHYMING IS HARD.

I'm going to take a bit of a break for a week or so (but I'll still be writing requests for this book) to give people a chance to tell me what they'd like to see in my new books, but so far it looks like they'll be in this order:

-Cinderella (Will x Reader) was the popular vote

-UnWilling 3, which I was amazed how many people wanted to see this!

As always, a hug to my fan club: President and stenographer CandyMoon6583 and artist extraordinaire Sakurano_Toon . And a huge thanks to all my fans because my ego is a bottomless pit of constant craving for praise!!!

I love you all! <3

Merry Christmas!



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