Will's Character Analysis

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This isn't a chapter or an A/N, really.  I was writing an actual chapter just now, and thought I'd share some of my musings about our favorite Blueberry.

Will is an interesting character, really.  Where did he come from?  I've been down most of the major fan-based rabbit holes and I haven't found the origin of Will (or Reverse Falls in general, really).  He is a unique phenomenon, actually: some sort of public OC, a collective hallucination we're all having.  I often forget that he's not actually a canon character.

He is, of course, the reversed version of Bill, yet he's become so much more.  Most of the fanon depicts them as brothers, especially in the Cipher Twins AU and stories like mine.  Their relationship dynamic is simultaneously fascinating and perplexing, as it is entirely made-up and in no way canonical.  Even though their relationship is usually depicted as either abusive or incestuous, it leaves me wondering where exactly this all came from.  (The answer, of course, is: insane fans with way too much time on their hands.)

Of course, most major fandoms have their fair share of AUs, but the OCs are usually either self-contained or crossovers.  I've never found another sub-group of a fandom (AU or otherwise) containing an OC like Will, where the entire community has seemingly reached a general consensus about his appearance, behavior, and relationships. 

Also, why is our poor Blueberry used as a punching bag so often?  Why has everyone just agreed that's a thing?  Admittedly, it opens up a number of potential plots and dynamics that weren't available given the personalities of the canon gang, but it's interesting to see the purposes he's put to in people's writing.  I myself have used the poor guy as a coping mechanism a number of times.  Many of my chapters were written through tears in the middle of the night, because sometimes putting things into words helps me get them out of my brain.  Many of Will's more tragic moments were an extension of my own self-pity parties.  I've seen other people do this very thing in their own stories, so maybe Will's messed up because the rest of us are too.

The canon gang contains many squee-worthy adorable characters, but I've never seen anyone get so rabidly enthusiastic over any other character (except occasionally Dipper).  Admittedly, I also get worked up over this precious made-up cinnamon roll.

Still, though... his existence is an enigma to be sure.

Please share your thoughts with me about this and other fandom phenomena!

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