Sister's Visit

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I didn't want to just call her S/N anymore, so I've named your sister Jasmine.  What's that you say?  It's not accurate?  Buy a sister.  Name her Jasmine.  This book is accurate now.


You sat across the table from Bill, facing him down like a gunslinger.  No, more like a hostage negotiation.

"Explain this to me one more time," he requested.

"My sister's coming to visit, and you're going to be on your best behavior."

"I always am," he insisted indignantly.

"I certainly hope that's not true, because that's just sad."

He narrowed his eyes. "What do I get in return?"

"You're not a dream demon anymore," you pointed out.  "I'm not obligated to reciprocate if I want anything from you."

"Then where's my incentive to behave?" he asked smugly.

You glared him down for a long moment before you gave up with a sigh.  "Fine.  What do you want?  For me to compose a poem dedicated to your greatness?  Convince the mayor to name your face a national landmark?  For Will and me to wear tutus and dance around?!"

"Please don't drag me into this!" Will yelled from the living room.

Bill looked amazed.  "Wow, I was just going to ask for control of the TV for a month, but I like your ideas way better!"

"Nope.  Too late.  It's a deal."  You hastily grabbed his hand, for a moment expecting to see blue fire at the point of contact.  You could tell from the disappointment in his eyes that he was expecting it too.

Being human wasn't always easy for Bill.  Sometimes it was a struggle to keep him from dwelling on what he'd sacrificed for your sake.  Deep down, so deeply you didn't want to think about it, you wondered if he ever resented you for it.

Fortunately, your phone rang at that moment, distracting you both.

Call from: Jasmine Northwest

You hastily pulled your hand out of Bill's grip and stepped away for a moment of privacy.  When you turned back, Bill was still staring at his own hand with a contemplative expression you couldn't quite read.

"I'm going to go meet her at the bus stop," you explained, throwing on a jacket.  You paused at the front door.  "Best behavior, Bill!"

"Yeah, I get it!" he called back, annoyed.


"Y/N!" Jasmine cried, launching herself out the door of the bus and tackling you in a hug.  You were knocked backwards, laughing in surprise.

"Jasmine!  It's so good to see you!" you said, hugging her back.  "Where's your luggage?"

"Oh, right!"  She let go of you and raced back onto the bus, bringing out three suitcases and a backpack.

"Seriously?" you asked her skeptically.  "I only brought a single suitcase when I moved here!"

Jasmine frowned at the memory.  "You did move here pretty suddenly, though.  I wanted to ask you-"

"Long story," you brushed her off.  "I'll tell you all about it later.  It's getting dark, though, and we should get home right away."

You grabbed two of her suitcases, leading the way through town.  It was a short walk from the bus depot to your apartment building, Jasmine bobbing at your heels all the way.

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