Dear Bill

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Dear Bill,

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. Even though I don't know where you are, I have faith that we'll meet again. And then you'll get to read it.

Do you remember what you and Will did for my birthday? You both got up early to bake me a cake. I woke up to the fire alarm, and we had breakfast at Greasy's instead. I didn't mind. I love their pancakes anyway.

You tried to take me to laser tag next, but it was closed for renovations. We ended up seeing a movie. It was one of my all-time favorites, I decided. 

We were caught in a sudden cloudburst while walking home. You got annoyed, but soon enough we were all splashing through puddles and laughing our heads off. I've never seen Will smile so much since then. I haven't seen him smile at all lately.

Nothing went as you'd planned that day, but it was still one of the best days of my life. I'll  never forget the way you hugged me so tightly when I told you so. It's imprinted on my mind's eye as though a day hasn't gone by since then. 

Do you ever wish you could go back? Do you want to undo everything you've done, turn back the clock and make better decisions, or have you left your regrets behind? Do you have any regrets at all?

Maybe you don't. I thought I knew you so well, but it turns out I didn't know you at all. Isn't that funny? The person closest to me turned out to be a total mystery. I don't know if a single word you ever said to me was true. I guess I'll never know now.

My family didn't call me on my birthday. You were the one who wanted to make it the best day of my life. You were my real family. Maybe you can be again? I don't know anymore.

Will doesn't talk about you. We both pretend it doesn't matter, that life can go on with just the two of us, but it's not the same. There's a void where you used to live.

Do you care? Maybe you don't. Maybe you never did.

I'm sure I'll see you again. In fact, I'm making certain of it. Will and I have enlisted some help from a few of your old enemies, and we're not going to stop until we either bring you home or kill you. I haven't decided which.

I hope you can live with your choices. And if you can't, I hope you find a way to fix them.

I don't know if I can ever forgive you. But you can be certain I'll never forget you.

All my love,


(A/N: Hello again, everyone! It's been a while.

This "chapter" serves three purposes.

A) Filling a request from someone

B) Today is my birthday (happy birthday me!)

C) A teaser for my next book

I promised the next UnWilling book some time ago, but since then I've been busy with my Undertale fics on my AO3 account and my "real job" as a professional writer for an online magazine. But you can be certain that it's coming soon! This letter is meant to fall in the middle of the plot, so scream at me all you want for being cryptic.

Until then, I'll keep writing requests for this book, which I haven't had any of lately. So if you want to see more of me, go ahead and shoot me some ideas!

Thank you all!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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