Slumber Party (part 1)

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This chapter is starring my lovely friends CandyMoon6583 and Sakurano_Toon!

(Y/N's POV)

"Where have you been?" Bill demanded when you came home long after dark.  He was sitting on the couch, craning his head to see you from the living room.  He had his arm around Will, who had obviously been crying.  "This poor sap thought you were dead."

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie!" you cried, rushing to wrap your arms around Will and letting him bury his face in your shirt.  "I was hanging out with some other friends, and I guess I lost track of time."

"Excuse me?" Bill said flatly.  "Since when do you have other friends?"

You answered while patting Will's back soothingly.  "I met one of them at the library this morning, and she was meeting up with her friend this afternoon and invited me along.  We all ended up having dinner together at her house.  I should have called, but... you could have called me, too.  You have a phone for a reason.  I'm literally the only person in your contact list."

Bill still looked confounded.  "What do you need other friends for when you have us?"

You rolled your eyes.  "I don't have to explain my social life to you, but for one thing, I need some female company once in a while.  You're both dudes, not to mention ex-demons, and there are some things you just don't understand."

"B-but you still love us, r-right?" Will mumbled from his hiding place under your arm.

You hugged him tighter.  "Of course I love you, Blueberry Muffin.  Making friends is a good thing, okay?  If I'd had someone else to talk to... back then... I might not have made such a stupid deal."

Bill's eyes widened.  You felt a bit embarrassed for guilting him like this, but it was the truth.  If you'd had any female friends to turn to instead of Tad Strange, they'd have been able to smack some sense into you before you'd made the worst decision of your life. 

"Oh... I didn't think about it like that..." Bill muttered, looking appalled. 

"Don't worry about it.  Now Will, isn't it past your bedtime?"  You changed the subject without subtlety, eager to end this awkward moment.

Will was too agitated to calm down easily, so you ended up falling asleep in his room before he did.  You woke up the next morning sitting in his desk chair, slumped over his bed with your head against his knee.  You'd fallen asleep holding hands, but he'd clearly tossed and turned during the night.

"Good morning, Blue's Clues," you said sleepily, leaning over to press your lips against his temple.  His eyes opened immediately; years of painful conditioning left him never far from wakefulness.

"G-good morning, Y/N," he croaked before clearing his throat.  You flopped your head onto his chest and pretended to fall back to sleep, making exaggerated snoring noises.

He laughed.  "This is a much nicer way of waking up than a whip to the face."

"That's depressing," you muttered into his shirt.

Bill opened the door and stuck his head into the room.  "Are you dorks going to get up, or am I having breakfast alone?"

You tilted your head so he could hear you.  "I'm coming, keep your socks on."

"Can we go to the mall today?" Bill asked as you stood up.

You hesitated.  "Actually..."

"What?" he said with a suspicious glare.

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