The Abandoned Laboratory

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(A/N: This goofy request came from echominded who is my kind of person. :3c)

(Will's POV)

"Wh-what are we doing here again?" I asked nervously.

"We're investigating the lab that was underneath the Tent of Telepathy to make sure none of the machines are activated or dangerous," Y/N explained for the third time.

"Well, why a-are we doing this now?" 

 "Because we should have done this months ago," Bill cut in, "but it didn't occur to us until some idiot on the internet suggested it."

"Wh-why is Bill here?" I whined.

"Because he's the only one of us who allegedly knows how these machines work," Y/N said testily.

"Then why are y-you here?" I asked.

"Because I don't trust Bill to do this unsupervised."

"And why am I here?" I persisted.

"Because you hate being alone."

"R-right."  I glanced nervously at the dark stone hallway around us.  We'd already climbed down the ladder from the deserted courtyard, and were now making our way to the lab that held the portal.  The passageway smelled of disuse and deep earth.  The distant sound of water dripping and our echoing footsteps put me on edge.

Y/N and Bill were both holding flashlights.  My clammy hands were full with clinging to the back of Y/N's jacket, walking as close behind her as physically possible.

"Ow!" she complained.  "You keep stepping on my heels."

"S-sorry."  I took half a step backwards, trying my best to not remember what had happened to me in this dank basement in the past... all the pain and suffering...

My breath hitched.  Y/N glanced back at me, her expression softening.

"Here, how about we hold hands instead?"  She switched the flashlight to her other hand, trying to pry me off the back of her jacket.  I clamped her hand in a viselike grip.  Next to us, Bill pretended to stumble.

I frowned with concern.  "E-everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just tripped over your 'Weenie of the Year' trophy."  Bill laughed loudly at his own joke, which echoed weirdly in the tunnel-like space.

"Bill," Y/N scolded.  "Be nice."

Bill's retort trailed off as the hallway opened into the laboratory at the end.  My hand reflexively clenched Y/N's as the flashlight beams swept across the now-defunct portal that would have killed me.

"Here we are," Y/N announced unnecessarily.  "Now what?"

"Now we play with all these machines!" Bill suggested.  "It's like Disneyland!"  He started flipping switches on the nearest console, a maniacal grin lighting up his face.

"Bill, I will take you to the actual Disneyland if you just focus on the task at hand," Y/N snapped.  "Stop pressing random buttons or you'll kill us all."

"Oh, lighten up," Bill chuckled.  "There's only like a 30% chance that any of these machines are even functional, much less deadly."

"Thirty percent?" I squeaked.  "Why didn't you s-say so sooner?!"

"Because Bill's a sociopath," Y/N sighed.  "C'mon, let's get this done already."

She started with the portal, the largest machine in the room, the console for which was closest to the entrance to the room.   Holding the flashlight in one hand and me clinging to the other, she fumbled for a moment to free up a hand for the screwdriver tucked into her belt.  She wordlessly prodded me with the handle of the flashlight until I released one of my hands from their death grip on Y/N and took it from her.

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