Birthday Party

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What's that you say? YES, they do have a birthday.

(Will's POV)

"Wake up, Blueseph!" Y/N yelled, bursting into my room.

I shrieked and reflexively hid under my covers as she leaped onto my bed, hugging Hercules protectively to my chest.

"Happy Birthday!" she yelled into my ear.

I peeked out hesitantly. "Happy w-what?"

"It's November twenty-seventh! You've been human for exactly a year!" she said with a grin.

"Wait... that's not right." I counted on my fingers. "We only got back from your parents' house a w-week ago. How is it November already?"

"Because continuity is overrated! Now stop breaking the fourth wall and come eat cake!" Y/N hopped off my bed, yanking my covers off and motioning for me to follow her out of the room. I heard her sprint down the hall, waking up Bill in the same manner.

Wow, I've never seen Y/N so hyper, I mused, equal parts excited and apprehensive. I wonder how this "birthday" thing works?

We convened at the table in our pajamas, where Y/N brought out a beautiful cake frosted in alternating stripes of blue and yellow. "Happy 1st Birthday to bill and Will, My Favorite Ex-Demons!" was written across it in frosting.

"Did you make this yourself?" I asked in amazement. "It's beautiful..."

"I'm no slouch at baking, you know," she said proudly. "I woke up early to whip this up. I even mixed the frosting myself." She slapped Bill's hand away from the cake.

"Come on, don't talk it up if you don't expect me to try it!" he complained.

"We'll eat it in a few seconds. Patience, Bill," she scolded.

"Look, you didn't capitalize 'Bill,'" he whined. "It just says 'bill.'"

She rolled her eyes. "It'll still taste the same."

"Yeah, but slip-ups like that are a "capital" crime!" He smirked.

"I hate you," she said in a dead voice.

He folded his arms, mock offended. "Grammar is very important to me, my dear. I never would have let one of my students get away with a mistake like that."

Y/N frowned. "One of your what?"

"My young and impressionable students. I used to be a high school teacher, I'll have you know," Bill said stiffly.

Y/N's jaw dropped. "You were a what?"

"Don't act so surprised. Will, back me up," he demanded.

I jumped into the conversation. "Yeah, I was one of his students, too," I offered.

"You were his WHAT?" I could almost see the smoke leaking out of her ears.

Bill was laughing his head off. "Oh, my poor, naïve dear, there's a lot you don't know about me."

"Apparently," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

Regardless of the misprint, the cake was delicious.  It tasted like love and sunshine.  Once we were done with breakfast, Y/N's friends Candy and Toon joined us at the laser tag arcade to party with us.  I normally didn't get too engaged in such activities, but after half an hour playing laser tag I was hollering at the top of my lungs as Bill and I made a suicide assault against the girls' team.

"How do they keep beating us?" Bill gasped as we hid behind a pile of mattresses.

"I don't k-know!" I panted.   "Maybe it's because there's three of them?  Or maybe they're just better than us?"

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